This is very true. I'm deaf myself and still haven't gotten a career job since graduating from college. Majored in IT and had a retail job working with computers. Have a couple of certifications and a college degree to prove my skills and abilities, yet I am unable to land a career job.
It's obvious that they've been avoiding hiring me because of my deafness.
Here's an example of how it went for me when job hunting:
I apply for over 100 jobs, I get a few employers interested in me and we talk back and forth through email. I don't let them know ahead of time that I'm deaf. When they finally ask me to do a phone interview or come in for a formal interview, I agree to it, but then that's when I let them know I'm deaf. I'm being put on hold while they confer with their "boss/supervisor". A few hours later, they email me back and said,
"I'm very sorry, I talked to my supervisor and without my knowledge, they've already hired someone else to fill in the position. I'm so sorry about this, but we will keep your resume on file for 6 months, then after that, you're welcome to apply here again! Sorry!"
Ya would think that's the only time I've heard this? Nah, I've heard the same canned response over 50, maybe 100 times and I've applied to over 3,000 jobs already. Some would even not reply back after finding out I'm deaf.
I've tried the direct approach, where I let them know upfront that I'm deaf before we could get into details about my skills and such and that's when they tell me the same canned response or I don't hear from them ever again.
I even worked with two job placement coaches and one of them said I'm their first deaf client and I shouldn't have any issues finding a job as they are good with finding jobs for displaced clients but then they realized that it's hard getting a career job for a deaf person like me. They had connections but then they quickly found out that their connections were hesitant on hiring a deaf individual. After a year of trying, they eventually gave up. Their goal was 2 months. That goal has passed and was never met at all. They admit defeat as they were proud of their accomplishments.
Apologies for the HuffingPaintPost article but I've archived it for you guys:
Basically that article talks about how many deaf people are upset that they're not working and relying on Social Security Disability benefits to survive as 75% of Deaf Americans are not currently in the workforce. I'm one of them unfortunately. So they had a "thousand march" in Washington DC to protest this. It, however, fell on deaf ears, no pun intended.
This is why I'm a Trump supporter because the Demons have been lying to the deaf community, "We will help you find jobs and provide a lot of support!" While we got coverage under the ADA law, which is good but when are we going to get help finding a job? Nah. They just want us shackled to SS Disability benefits for the rest of our lives. This is why I know BLM and all that crap that's being spewed out of the SJW "woke" faggots are not true. I know the Demoncrats IS the problem here.
Thank you for sharing your story. I am sorry for all you have gone through. I admire your spirit to keep trying.... I do know how hard it is to face that rejection time after time.
Thanks but I don't write code or do programming, I'm in System Admin and Networking. I do have some skills in coding/programming but it's more of at the amateur level as I don't really know of any projects or come up with anything that I could use my programming skills with at home.
But the funny thing is with Sys Admin/Networking, they have a ticket system where workers would log in a complaint or an issue with their computer or whatever, then we can look at the tickets and fix accordingly, but a lot of the employers have told me that "90% of the time is spent on using the phone so you will need to have phone skills. Sorry!" and I know that's full of bullshit.
Praying for you, dude. I have only been close to one deaf family, with their daughter. She signed everything between us. And another friend of mine at work is married to a deaf guy, and he’s hilarious. He works as an auto mechanic.
I find it horrible that you can’t get a job. Have you tried a federal or state IT job? They give points for disabilities that bumps you up on the list. If you haven’t already, try They have job openings all over the country, and even some outside of the continental US.
Good luck. And I’m seriously putting you in my prayers!
Had a job interview with the NSA but they were somewhat apprehensive with hiring a deaf person. This was like a few years after 9/11 happened and at the time, I kinda felt like I understood their stance because they need to be able to rely on hearing people rather than taking the time to communicate with a deaf person, which could delay stuff.
As of recently, yes I have with several military bases and a few gov't buildings but nope. This was with the job placement coach I mentioned in my post but it could be because of the state I live in, but I have no idea. Yes I'm aware that gov't tend to hire people with disabilities but I have no idea why they're skipping me, despite the fact that my former co-workers at the retail job I had for a few years, said I'm the best worker they've seen in over 20 years and I chug out on an average of 10 computers a week (computer repair) and have excellent repair percentage (the chances of a computer coming back for further repair or still have same issue prior to it being checked in is very low).
I even was asked by the headquarters of my employer, to go to another store to do a disaster recovery to save the department from being overflown. In that week alone, I was able to get about 100 computers out and pretty much saved the department from getting the whole staff fired. It was just me and one supervisor from another store in different state and that supervisor kept telling me to move to their state to work for him because he have never seen anyone like me before.
My point in saying what I've just said, was that I've said the same stuff to them over email and in a rare occurrence, an interview I went to, yet they don't think I'm a good fit for their company. So I don't know what I did wrong. I wasn't even nervous. I believe I sounded confident during the emails and the few interviews I went on. This is why I still believe all of this goes back to me being deaf because I know how people can be apprehensive toward hiring someone who can't speak verbally and relies on using Notepad/TextEdit (micro word processing program on Windows/MacOS respectively) to communicate. The former coworkers I had, had zero issues doing that. Matter of fact, they enjoy doing that than talking because other people can overhear the conversations.
Anyways, thanks man, I will try job hunting again, once this stupid "pandemic" is over and I hope very soon because I don't want to wait 2-3 years then it'll be too late for me. Also I'm limited to a certain geographical location, which means relocating to a different state on the other side of America or the world is out of the question for me. The NSA and even the Microsoft interviews I went on, I was testing the water to see how well I will do at the interviews. They paid for my trip and all that to NSA in Maryland and to Microsoft in Redmond, Washington. Looking back, I'm glad I didn't get hired because NSA... yikes and Microsoft, nah too woke for me now.
This is very true. I'm deaf myself and still haven't gotten a career job since graduating from college. Majored in IT and had a retail job working with computers. Have a couple of certifications and a college degree to prove my skills and abilities, yet I am unable to land a career job.
It's obvious that they've been avoiding hiring me because of my deafness.
Here's an example of how it went for me when job hunting:
I apply for over 100 jobs, I get a few employers interested in me and we talk back and forth through email. I don't let them know ahead of time that I'm deaf. When they finally ask me to do a phone interview or come in for a formal interview, I agree to it, but then that's when I let them know I'm deaf. I'm being put on hold while they confer with their "boss/supervisor". A few hours later, they email me back and said,
"I'm very sorry, I talked to my supervisor and without my knowledge, they've already hired someone else to fill in the position. I'm so sorry about this, but we will keep your resume on file for 6 months, then after that, you're welcome to apply here again! Sorry!"
Ya would think that's the only time I've heard this? Nah, I've heard the same canned response over 50, maybe 100 times and I've applied to over 3,000 jobs already. Some would even not reply back after finding out I'm deaf.
I've tried the direct approach, where I let them know upfront that I'm deaf before we could get into details about my skills and such and that's when they tell me the same canned response or I don't hear from them ever again.
I even worked with two job placement coaches and one of them said I'm their first deaf client and I shouldn't have any issues finding a job as they are good with finding jobs for displaced clients but then they realized that it's hard getting a career job for a deaf person like me. They had connections but then they quickly found out that their connections were hesitant on hiring a deaf individual. After a year of trying, they eventually gave up. Their goal was 2 months. That goal has passed and was never met at all. They admit defeat as they were proud of their accomplishments.
Apologies for the HuffingPaintPost article but I've archived it for you guys:
Basically that article talks about how many deaf people are upset that they're not working and relying on Social Security Disability benefits to survive as 75% of Deaf Americans are not currently in the workforce. I'm one of them unfortunately. So they had a "thousand march" in Washington DC to protest this. It, however, fell on deaf ears, no pun intended.
This is why I'm a Trump supporter because the Demons have been lying to the deaf community, "We will help you find jobs and provide a lot of support!" While we got coverage under the ADA law, which is good but when are we going to get help finding a job? Nah. They just want us shackled to SS Disability benefits for the rest of our lives. This is why I know BLM and all that crap that's being spewed out of the SJW "woke" faggots are not true. I know the Demoncrats IS the problem here.
Thank you for sharing your story. I am sorry for all you have gone through. I admire your spirit to keep trying.... I do know how hard it is to face that rejection time after time.
One irony here is that I would use earplugs while writing code so there would be no distractions.
Deafness is almost an advantage while writing code IMHO and communication between workers can be easily accomplished in writing.
Please keep seeing opportunities and good luck to you!
Thanks but I don't write code or do programming, I'm in System Admin and Networking. I do have some skills in coding/programming but it's more of at the amateur level as I don't really know of any projects or come up with anything that I could use my programming skills with at home.
But the funny thing is with Sys Admin/Networking, they have a ticket system where workers would log in a complaint or an issue with their computer or whatever, then we can look at the tickets and fix accordingly, but a lot of the employers have told me that "90% of the time is spent on using the phone so you will need to have phone skills. Sorry!" and I know that's full of bullshit.
Praying for you, dude. I have only been close to one deaf family, with their daughter. She signed everything between us. And another friend of mine at work is married to a deaf guy, and he’s hilarious. He works as an auto mechanic.
I find it horrible that you can’t get a job. Have you tried a federal or state IT job? They give points for disabilities that bumps you up on the list. If you haven’t already, try They have job openings all over the country, and even some outside of the continental US.
Good luck. And I’m seriously putting you in my prayers!
Had a job interview with the NSA but they were somewhat apprehensive with hiring a deaf person. This was like a few years after 9/11 happened and at the time, I kinda felt like I understood their stance because they need to be able to rely on hearing people rather than taking the time to communicate with a deaf person, which could delay stuff.
As of recently, yes I have with several military bases and a few gov't buildings but nope. This was with the job placement coach I mentioned in my post but it could be because of the state I live in, but I have no idea. Yes I'm aware that gov't tend to hire people with disabilities but I have no idea why they're skipping me, despite the fact that my former co-workers at the retail job I had for a few years, said I'm the best worker they've seen in over 20 years and I chug out on an average of 10 computers a week (computer repair) and have excellent repair percentage (the chances of a computer coming back for further repair or still have same issue prior to it being checked in is very low).
I even was asked by the headquarters of my employer, to go to another store to do a disaster recovery to save the department from being overflown. In that week alone, I was able to get about 100 computers out and pretty much saved the department from getting the whole staff fired. It was just me and one supervisor from another store in different state and that supervisor kept telling me to move to their state to work for him because he have never seen anyone like me before.
My point in saying what I've just said, was that I've said the same stuff to them over email and in a rare occurrence, an interview I went to, yet they don't think I'm a good fit for their company. So I don't know what I did wrong. I wasn't even nervous. I believe I sounded confident during the emails and the few interviews I went on. This is why I still believe all of this goes back to me being deaf because I know how people can be apprehensive toward hiring someone who can't speak verbally and relies on using Notepad/TextEdit (micro word processing program on Windows/MacOS respectively) to communicate. The former coworkers I had, had zero issues doing that. Matter of fact, they enjoy doing that than talking because other people can overhear the conversations.
Anyways, thanks man, I will try job hunting again, once this stupid "pandemic" is over and I hope very soon because I don't want to wait 2-3 years then it'll be too late for me. Also I'm limited to a certain geographical location, which means relocating to a different state on the other side of America or the world is out of the question for me. The NSA and even the Microsoft interviews I went on, I was testing the water to see how well I will do at the interviews. They paid for my trip and all that to NSA in Maryland and to Microsoft in Redmond, Washington. Looking back, I'm glad I didn't get hired because NSA... yikes and Microsoft, nah too woke for me now.