As the title says, I've come to learn how dangerous vaccines can be as a result of researching stuff on COVID this past year, but my wife still trusts them as a whole. I convinced her just hours before his appointment to reschedule a week later so I can give her evidence to convince her to cancel the vaccines altogether.
Can someone please help me with some links, info, anything? Any good info summaries for a suspicious "normie" wife? Thanks in advance to anyone who helps!
EDIT: I'm sorry if I wasn't clear. I want to prevent my son from receiving the standard batch of vaccines all kids are given now. My wife and I agree that the COVID vaccine is bad - just need help extending her skepticism to the vaccine "industry" at large.
Wow, thank you very much for all these links. I have a lot of work to do!
Also, thanks for the reminder to pray. It's easy to try to bear these burdens ourselves but prayer is just as powerful as anything.
You gotta be careful with some of these sites. I'm not trashing good information, but some fringe sites like to publish debunked "facts". Even amongst us, we must use discernment, which is VERY hard when there's so much obfuscation by pharmaceutical companies, medical professionals, etc.
Just cross-research and use your best judgement and always expect people to push back with their own "debooooonking" because they learned their conflicting information from CNN.
Yes, this has been one of the toughest topics to get the truth on I've researched. Especially when tasked with finding "normal" sources for my wife. I'm suspicious of most sources, but her even more so. Good advice, thank you!
Here's some useful links I have collected:
Wow, thank you very much! I appreciate you taking the time to find all these.
You are most welcome! If you need anything further feel free to reach out.