Not all, but A LOT of them are holding onto their victim card for as long as they can. The propaganda and dems have only spiraled the situation further.
In the 60's they had or were starting to make nuclear families lol Actually really close to having a majority of their population join the fucking society. Unfortunately our Government didn't want that to happen. Now they are worst than they ever have been.
The thing is, American's of African descent really are victims. Too many don't understand how, and the people who say "we are helping you" are the ones committing the crimes against them, but victims they are. In truth all of We The People are their victims, but there are phenotype specific crimes.
It will be so nice when we destroy their institutions of suppression and division. By and large, the American people haven't been racist in decades. Soon there will be no more crimes against us based on one phenotype or another. We The People will no longer tolerate it.
An end to racial division is coming.
An end to all manufactured divisions is coming.
World peace, the natural state of a post scarcity world (our world), is coming.
Not all, but A LOT of them are holding onto their victim card for as long as they can. The propaganda and dems have only spiraled the situation further.
In the 60's they had or were starting to make nuclear families lol Actually really close to having a majority of their population join the fucking society. Unfortunately our Government didn't want that to happen. Now they are worst than they ever have been.
The thing is, American's of African descent really are victims. Too many don't understand how, and the people who say "we are helping you" are the ones committing the crimes against them, but victims they are. In truth all of We The People are their victims, but there are phenotype specific crimes.
It will be so nice when we destroy their institutions of suppression and division. By and large, the American people haven't been racist in decades. Soon there will be no more crimes against us based on one phenotype or another. We The People will no longer tolerate it.
An end to racial division is coming.
An end to all manufactured divisions is coming.
World peace, the natural state of a post scarcity world (our world), is coming.
Can you feel it?
I can feel it.
everyone is prejudice to some degree. and it does not have to be prejudice against skin color.
Example: trailer parks.