I have had no success at all convincing my mother that the CDC's exclusive COVID-19 guidance was what was causing a massive over inflation of COVID-19 death counts and that a financial incentive was put in place by HHS to pay out $13,000 in reimbursement in Medicare funds to doctors for every COVID-19 diagnosis made and $36,000 for every Covid-19 patient that goes on the ventilator. She is a case management RN at our local emergency room and she has obviously been brainwashed into the establishment narrative and I've explained multiple times the truth, but she still has serious trouble understanding it. I just hope that when the truth does come out and it is broadcast live for all to see, she finally understands. I doubt it though given how far deep the establishment narrative has sank in her mind.
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If Dr. Tenpenny is right, when the next variation is released and starts killing off the people that have had 2 or more vaccines, then they'll know.
It's gonna take the viewing of their favorite wuflu medical save-the-world hero being executed on TV for some of the sheep to wake up.
The truth being broadcasted with all the evidence and arrests is what it really would take to wake most of these Covidiots up. But don’t expect that to happen until we are far into the Great Awakening / mass arrests, etc.
It’s a complicated story to tell. For some reason, the lefty’s love Fauci so one way is to isolate the story to spotlight the wrongdoings through his career. In other words, attack the messenger instead of the message. That’s what the lefty’s would do but they have the power of the fake media and until that changes....
If you would like I can send you Excel documents on CDC official mortality data for 2020 directly from their CDC portal which I was trained with in my lower Public health education. It clearly shows that we had 47,000 extra deaths but yet they were tallying 350,000 Covid deaths. If we would have had a horrible flu year and actually had 350,000 flu deaths we would likely have seen about 500-600K excess deaths. The CDC numbers are pretty clear and imply the increase in Covid deaths is likely a mismanagement of categorizations for death.
I’d love that if you would send to me ..I’m surrounded by the brainwashed as well
PM me a phone number or email to send the file to you. Have them look at deaths in 2017, 2018, 2019 etc. which are all publicly available and all of a sudden any normal person that understand numbers will realize this isn't what they make it out to be. Like any normal person would be like wait this world stopping economy devastating pandemic has an average mortality age of 81.5(Above the average lifespan)?
How do u private message ?
And thank you