I am not what you would maybe consider a true Q believer. I think Q has done a great job at awakening people to how fucked up this world actually is and moved us away from MSM. But as it stands right now real people are having real terrible things happen to them and for now I can only enjoy the information, until I see a noose on one of these monsters...im skeptical. Bear this in mind while reading, and thank you for reading
My last post a month ago invited a lot of discussion and asking real questions about what we hope will happen vs what is happening and going to happen; so in light of this 'totally not a surprise shooting' I want to pose real questions and thoughts about reality and hope. To take a quote from my last post "When ever I talk to people about Barry Obama and his time in the White House I remember all the shootings that happened during this 8 years" and in the last 4 years while President Trump if there were any they were certainly few and far between, but I don't think there were. In any case this Colorado incident doesn't surprise me at all, I knew in my gut we were going to see an event like this to happen, a lot us probably knew as well. You will not convince me that this wasn't planned OR it was preventable and nothing was done to prevent it. HR 127 is going to ramp up and we will see what the outcome is. I am going to repeat my guesses on what will happen with HR 127.
-It passes and people realize that it is realistically unenforceable
-Its passed but certain sates and counties across the country don't enforce it resulting in incredible tension between the Federal Government and 2A san. states and States and 2A san. counties, resulting in supplies and power grids being used to leverage the Pro 2A territories into submission (see recent Texas)
-It passes...and no law enforcement or state government opposes it...in which we will see a lot of death because I would wager more then 60% of gun owners won't comply...and you can fill in the rest
- It somehow by some miracle doesn't pass.
-Actual kinetic civil war
I live in western Oregon and I have made peace with myself in the worse case scenario, although the county sheriff seems like a upstart person I put trust only in myself to protect myself, not police establishments that didn't do a thing about the "summer of love".
And this is one of the crossing points for me for Q being and actual real operation to remove the deep state, MSM, and ANTI/BLM. If this goes forward and nothing is done in a reasonable amount of time Q will have been an awakening operation and nothing more. I still however feel that President Trump is still the actual president and is in control of the armed forces and is Mara-Lago for optics only...for now. I think there might be a tragic end to this in term of, god fearing and law abiding citizens like us are going to be beaten and or killed for a length of time before what we want to happen take place. Everything has a price and nothing is gained without sacrifice. I know Q has said "You and your families are safe" and time will tell but my gut tells me that this is going to end up with a lot of people losing their lives before the moral narrative can be justified.
There are people that you can't "wake up" no matter how hard you try and these people are beyond salvation. If Q is waiting for the whole average citizen population to wake up that will never happen. So I guess ask yourselves if you haven't how will you react to a world that we may find ourselves if we have all simply been awakened and there is no one coming to save us.
I want to switch gears a bit and talk about some individuals I keep a close eye on, namely Lin Wood and Juan O Savin. I really admire Lin Wood. I would almost say I trust him more than President Trump because, at least during this time, he is being very vocal and Q-ish which helps me rest easy. He opened me up to God and loves truth and I have complete trust in his pursuit to do his part to save the country. Juan is a fascinating person for sure and I find the stuff he talks about intriguing, but I think in the end he might be full of it. He has gone on record making a hard declaration that April 1st will be the day we see President return proper and all these scum bags swing (well...I hope some of them do) but I think like all dates some of us, including me, have marked on the calendar dates in the past, and I'm 90% that April 1st is going to come and go just like Nov 3rd Jan 6th and 20th and we will still be under this false administration. Call me a doomer but time only moves forward and we are having a terrible border situation, our military is now concerned about making pregnant women comfortable and now a shooting in Colorado. And as far as Simon Parkes and Charlie Ward I still like to listen to Simon when he does updates I find him to be pretty genuine. Ward not so much...although in his more recent videos looks like something happened to his right eye, I hope he is ok even though I think most of the time he is full of shit...but that may be because he is told to give out disinformation to the enemy because like me they watch these people too....I dunno but I have no interest in the man at this time.
I want to mention the "Q documentary" that Code Monkey talked about. Unless I missed it, which is possible, that I am not interested in it...especially since HBO is publishing it. I don't think any of us will gain anything from it and I would bet a substantial amount of money that it is going to take a big shit on Q. Just wanted to share my thoughts on that.
I do hold on to some hope and even though I do come here daily and see things that do a decent job of convincing me that we are watching a movie i.e. those added cameras to the Biden video, but I always think about this and how very Q-ish this is. That to me is very blatant. Also that video of him doing that oath I find to be very hard to come by.
I think that about does it for now. Time will tell. I trust Lin Wood. I think HR 127 is going to make or break Q and also tell us where the military's actual loyalties are, with DC or with law abiding, god fearing citizens...if it gets that far. I won't take the vaccine under any conditions, to hell with Jacobson v. Massachusetts, I know I didn't talk about it...but I'll mention it now. I don't care if President Trump is advocating the vaccine I wont take it end of story. I get annoyed when he does that because I think that confuses his supporters. But in any case...trust only yourself and those that have had to work to earn it. I appreciate the information that we can interpret here, but at the end of the day only God can save you and only you can look our for yourself. God bless you all.
Thank you for reading
Thank you for your post and honesty can't believe that it hasn't gained more traction. Unfortunately this type of mentality gets pushed into the darkness and labeled as dooming. I hope that everyone of us has an actual contingency plan, a cutoff date and isn't solely relying upon someone else to save us. If not we very well may be fucked. The sheep who follow blindly are the first led to slaughter.