I never understood the "crisis actor" shit. Seems to me it'd be much easier to just get someone to actually shoot up a school than all the nonsense you'd have to go through trying to fake it.
As I understand it, like at Parkland, they had CIA/Military go in, clad in black tactical gear, while the kids and teachers are locked in their classrooms as part of “the drill”. The CIA/Military does all the actual killing so that it is clean, controlled, and efficient. On the day of Parkland, students and teachers were saying this. Some of them looked into the halls and they saw the men in black tactical gear. These videos were all scrubbed. Then the patsy is brought in and taken down - arrested or shot himself - to complete the narrative. Crisis actors are more for the media, like that one dude on 9/11 who was hitting up all the cameras to explain how jet fuel melted steel beams. Everyone else on 9/11 is panicked, confused, scared. But this guy is calm as fuck with his pre-packaged sound bites.
This. The crisis actor is who you put on TV to frame the narrative. The parent no one has seen before, the kid who was in some class that no one's kid was in. Not everyone is, most are actual students, sharing their stories of the maladjusted kid who killed himself at the end of the spree... no they never saw him but let me tell you about how scared I was hearing the shots while hiding behind my desk. The crisis actor gets the sound bite in.
I never understood the "crisis actor" shit. Seems to me it'd be much easier to just get someone to actually shoot up a school than all the nonsense you'd have to go through trying to fake it.
As I understand it, like at Parkland, they had CIA/Military go in, clad in black tactical gear, while the kids and teachers are locked in their classrooms as part of “the drill”. The CIA/Military does all the actual killing so that it is clean, controlled, and efficient. On the day of Parkland, students and teachers were saying this. Some of them looked into the halls and they saw the men in black tactical gear. These videos were all scrubbed. Then the patsy is brought in and taken down - arrested or shot himself - to complete the narrative. Crisis actors are more for the media, like that one dude on 9/11 who was hitting up all the cameras to explain how jet fuel melted steel beams. Everyone else on 9/11 is panicked, confused, scared. But this guy is calm as fuck with his pre-packaged sound bites.
That's my point. Why would the deepstate go to all that trouble when they can just have some random crazy actually shoot up a school.
This. The crisis actor is who you put on TV to frame the narrative. The parent no one has seen before, the kid who was in some class that no one's kid was in. Not everyone is, most are actual students, sharing their stories of the maladjusted kid who killed himself at the end of the spree... no they never saw him but let me tell you about how scared I was hearing the shots while hiding behind my desk. The crisis actor gets the sound bite in.
Would the CIA / Military really shoot a bunch of children without remorse because they were following orders? No one would blow the whistle?
one third of leftists already believe violence is justified to achieve their political goals.
Yeah, but I'm hoping the military / CIA isn't completely infested with the Blantifa brand of Leftists.
Who am I kidding...
MK/Ultra. They wouldn't blow the whistle of their programming. They wouldn't even remember it after they were done.