The FBI is always involved in these kind of things. “He was on our radar” is the common phrase used. They set these people up to claim a victory and then blow it. Why do we have an FBI anyway? Oh right, they are the arm of the government that covers up crimes(mostly democrats) and makes sure no justice is served.
The FBI manufactures crimes, eliminates competition for the CIA and as you point out, covers up crimes.
Think of the crimes Paul Ryan, Bob Corker, Mitch McConnell, Jeff Flake, Mitt Romney, the Bush's, et al. There is no political boundary for corruption in DC
Absolutely. Look at the amount of highly-popular, mockingbird-sponsored crime procedurals that make the FBI/C_A (and other hyper-corrupt local agencies like NYPD) out to be some paragons of criminal justice.
Off the top of my head:
Mindhunter(FBI), Twin Peaks(FBI), Hannibal (FBI+cannabalism), Blacklist (FBI), Brooklyn Nine-Nine (NYPD), Homeland (C_A, more), NYPD Blue, Criminal Minds (FBI), The Mentalist (FBI, Mossad), NArcos (DEA), and many, many more.
Straight brainwashing; more programming from the tell-a-vision.
The FBI is always involved in these kind of things. “He was on our radar” is the common phrase used. They set these people up to claim a victory and then blow it. Why do we have an FBI anyway? Oh right, they are the arm of the government that covers up crimes(mostly democrats) and makes sure no justice is served.
The FBI manufactures crimes, eliminates competition for the CIA and as you point out, covers up crimes.
Think of the crimes Paul Ryan, Bob Corker, Mitch McConnell, Jeff Flake, Mitt Romney, the Bush's, et al. There is no political boundary for corruption in DC
I wanted to be in the FBI growing up soooooo badly, I messed up once and tried pot and knew my chances were ruined....
Now, I think I could have walked in smoking a crack pipe and probably got above an entry level position...
Hunter biden enters the chat
Ill pay you rock for a letter of recommendation. Having a rec from a top level informant should definitely land me a job..
Absolutely. Look at the amount of highly-popular, mockingbird-sponsored crime procedurals that make the FBI/C_A (and other hyper-corrupt local agencies like NYPD) out to be some paragons of criminal justice.
Off the top of my head: Mindhunter(FBI), Twin Peaks(FBI), Hannibal (FBI+cannabalism), Blacklist (FBI), Brooklyn Nine-Nine (NYPD), Homeland (C_A, more), NYPD Blue, Criminal Minds (FBI), The Mentalist (FBI, Mossad), NArcos (DEA), and many, many more.
Straight brainwashing; more programming from the tell-a-vision.