Did a Nuclear weapon get seized on the Evergreen? Could this be the Defcon Scare event?
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I read that on a couple of MSM articles and reported it here. I noticed a subsequent article entirely denied that.
The Maersk Denver following the Ever Given, the one that took that iconic photo, had said that the ship following them also lost power, or lost control and nearly rammed them from behind. The Maersk Denver called that a fun day.
My question is, how do two container ships within a mile of each other on the Suez Canal both lose control at the same moment?
That would be the ship ahead of the Maersk Denver, the Ever Given, and the one behind it, the Asia Ruby III, both lost power / control. Perhaps there is a jamming device on the Maersk Denver?
Maybe a tactical EMP used by white hats To freeze the ships while a raid went down?
Maybe this is the opening scene to the Captain America movie, The Winter Solider.
I used to work for Maersk, but that was over 20 years ago. They do contract with US Military...at least they did when that ship was invaded by pirates several years ago. Not sure about now.