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Let's get Ever Given out of the Suez first and take it from there ?
I think there's more to the Alefantis and Podesta connection here to explore. It's tenuous admittedly, but here goes. We do have the islands alignment of Water Island > Buck Island > Little St James. In DC you have Comet > Buck's Fishing & Camping > Besta Pizza.
'Bucks's is an old-fashioned scouting term. The kids dropped off at Bucks Island are encouraged to do related activities. If you Google Maps Buck's F&C in DC, at the right angle you'll notice that the window display calls it's BUCK'S CAMP, ie a camp for bucks. Or a place where 'camp' (ie the homosexual subculture) takes place for bucks?,-77.0700177,2a,75y,355.44h,93.06t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sTNNvKqkFBuvOUdjAvUooFA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
And, zoom in on the front door, the word 'welcome' is divided between the two glass door panels above the handles. However, it is spelled out very noticeably as 'WELL' and 'COME'. Now don't tell me that Alefantis doesn't know how the word 'welcome' is spelled. WELL, COME has uncomfortably sleazy connotations for a 'family themed' establishment.,-77.0701965,3a,15y,64.77h,88.01t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1suJbKTTmcOmuZL06uy7QGcw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
We know that John Podesta is on the Epstein flight logs, and we know the associations between the Podestas and Alefantis. I therefore highly doubt that there would have been no association between Alefantis and Epstein, which IMO makes these anecdotes a little less... coincidental.