In today's episode 2435, right near the beginning, Dave ventures the idea that Biden is being controlled by Obama whispering in his earpiece.
Dave hasn't mentioned (IIRC) anything about the glaringly obvious mask problem that everyone else astute has picked up on by now. Even without that seemingly deliberate bit of declass, how can you simultaneously daily assert that "patriots are in control" if you assume that the rubber clown isn't?
He has a channel set aside for Bitcoin Ben, and his daily "financial" part "a" bits are increasingly devoted to the idea that it's going to keep blasting up while the dollar hyperinflates. Yet that's not what ominous current market rumblings are indicating, and I have personally come to the conclusion that, while "Ben" is correct about crypto in general terms, he is the nevertheless are hard-driving pump-n-dumper who shouts loudest when Bitcoin is topping and rolling. (Mother-effin' Jim Cramer spamming BTC the other day should have been a broad hint to back away from the table.)
The first month you listen to Ben, you're convinced he's a mad prophet. The second month, you're all lined up and ready to part with your money. Then, just as you're about to pull the trigger on BTC at $58K, you ask him a question in chat, and he goes into a ten-minute rant about hesitant "pussies".
Mind you now, this guy is charging $5/mo for Patreon access to "special" videos (half of which are videos by others embedded on his Patreon page but free on Youtube where they're linked from), and $1500 for "crypto-trading only" laptops that are $400 cheap-ass boxes shat out the door with nothing-special software -- and you have to ask yourself, "Why isn't this alleged truck-driver retired on a beach already?".
That's when it dawns on you that Ben just might be, shall we say, professionally engaged in "distribution". And BTC's chart pattern has got a "shits the bed soon" look all over it, as it still hasn't had a 50% Fib correction since its December blast-off.
I'm paying BB $5/mo just to read his email titles in my in-box (I don't bother watching the repetitive videos anymore) just because he's now an excellent "fade". He had FIVE emails outbound Wednesday AM & afternoon, while BTC was making the first half of this chart move (as you can see, it didn't end well).