I’ve spent a lot of time studying the Jacob Wetterling case. I don’t want to argue about this case or talk about my opinions because I’m here to learn more than anything but if you’re ever interested in delving into it more, check out Joy The Curious’ blog. https://joythecurious.com/blog/
She actually interviewed the young man (Jared Scheierl)
who was also victimized by D Heinrich. Lots of info in her various posts.
Oh, and I’m also particularly interested in what happened to Joshua Guimond. He disappeared from St Johns University in MN in 2002. That was couple miles from where Jacob was abducted.
I’ve spent a lot of time studying the Jacob Wetterling case. I don’t want to argue about this case or talk about my opinions because I’m here to learn more than anything but if you’re ever interested in delving into it more, check out Joy The Curious’ blog. https://joythecurious.com/blog/
She actually interviewed the young man (Jared Scheierl) who was also victimized by D Heinrich. Lots of info in her various posts.
Oh, and I’m also particularly interested in what happened to Joshua Guimond. He disappeared from St Johns University in MN in 2002. That was couple miles from where Jacob was abducted.
If you want to travel down the deep, dark rabbit hole of child sex abuse at the Order of St Benedict/St Johns abbey, MN -enter at your own risk.