I highly doubt that they would purposely blow up that boat in the middle of the Suez canal. That would cripple the maritime industry for months/years. It does seem more feasible that this sets the stage for the US to conduct searches South of the Canal and have the Russians conduct searches on the North of the canal, without allowing any boats to slip in-between.
Trump had them stopping ships along the coasts, didn't he? Looking for weapons, trafficking, who knows? I sometimes watch Monkey Werx and there have been a lot of sub hunters flying off the coast of Florida since Trump has been home there. Even dropping a depth charge on something or other, that was explained away as a "test" of some kind. Military guys would probably be able to explain it better than me. It was some kind of explosive device.
Bear in mind russia is not our enemy
I agree but this could prevent the Deep State from a FF “Russia” attack or aggression
Maybe, but a boat wouldn't do much.
Im wondering about that 'missing sub'
Not sure why but i have this feeling the ship is going to go booooom
I highly doubt that they would purposely blow up that boat in the middle of the Suez canal. That would cripple the maritime industry for months/years. It does seem more feasible that this sets the stage for the US to conduct searches South of the Canal and have the Russians conduct searches on the North of the canal, without allowing any boats to slip in-between.
Trump had them stopping ships along the coasts, didn't he? Looking for weapons, trafficking, who knows? I sometimes watch Monkey Werx and there have been a lot of sub hunters flying off the coast of Florida since Trump has been home there. Even dropping a depth charge on something or other, that was explained away as a "test" of some kind. Military guys would probably be able to explain it better than me. It was some kind of explosive device.