322 It would be a SHAME if this meme went viral by tomorrow morning.... (media.greatawakening.win) NCSWIC posted 3 years ago by Emyrylde 3 years ago by Emyrylde +323 / -1 15 comments download share 15 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Please lets make it so!
Are those red shoes?
Hah. They are red shoes. This is the 2nd time I've seen this photo in over 5 years. Knowing the significance of the red shoes now puts this painting in a new light for me. Creepy as hell for a podesta art collection.
Epstein owned this one.
EDIT: I was specifically referring to the painting, but I guess it also might hold for Bill.
He's going to rape her.
How many new friends don't even understand the source of that image ?
Ironic as EVERGREEN H3RC is aground. Barak1 tugging it out..
Hillary: Help I can't get out I'm stuck Bill: I'm sendin Barak to help you.. I have young women to play..I mean empower. CYA SMDH.
If we are not watching a movie, then I don't know what's going on with the universe. No clue.