More don't look here stuff.. Just watched some of the Lorax and they expose the Globalists.
I think Satan's contract with God has expired and now he has to pay up!
edit** Added lyrics from a song from the movie.
More don't look here stuff.. Just watched some of the Lorax and they expose the Globalists.
I think Satan's contract with God has expired and now he has to pay up!
edit** Added lyrics from a song from the movie.
I know how difficult that night was. It was a part of the third great awakening which has been going on for a while now and will continue a little longer. I was told of it in January 2020 (I write everything down in notebooks) so I went to bed. Didn't make it any better though...still sucked...
As far as your dream....God has sent many Angels here to help us...from warriors to Angel's of mercy for when theu are needed by us (I posted this vision and visitation) ...We have been CHOSEN for this time, it is a blessing! God wanted you to know He holds all power and "as the blossoms of spring sprout, so shall the new world" ....this is His promise.
So be still now....have faith, patience and be prayerful! This is all He asks of us now. Wont be long though...Spring is here!!
Blessings fren...