Get financially independent. This is important if you wish to be able to remain free from the Great Reset. If you have debts, get rid of them. If you've got spare fiat money sitting around, invest it and make money. Turn those capital gains into real assets like precious metals, real estate, supplies (including firearms, ammo, food, etc.), and crypto too if you like.
Part of the "deal" with the great reset is going to be an offer to erase peoples' debts in exchange for forfeiting the right to own property. Remember the whole "you'll own nothing and you'll be happy" meme? Don't be part of that.
Get fit. Seriously, if you haven't already start going to the gym. If your gym is closed because of covid, buy some equipment for your home. If you can't afford equipment, do calisthenics. If you're completely ignorant on dieting and working out start doing research on YT. There's many excellent coaches out there these days so ignorance is no longer a valid excuse.
Continue to educate yourself, always. Read books. Build up a worldview through (real) education that enables you to take action and better yourself. Learn valuable and practical skills. Learn how to become charismatic that you may influence others for good purposes. Learn how to garden so that you may be self-sufficient with food. Learn how to shoot a gun. Learn how to use a ham radio. Learn how to read maps. Just keep learning.
Start networking. Find like-minded people who share similar beliefs with yourself. This doesn't mean you necessarily have to agree on everything. It is very unlikely you will find people that are in 100% agreement with you but you can find those whom you are compatible with, those whom you can trust to call upon in times of need.
Start fixing any addictions you may have. And don't bullshit me, we all have something we're addicted to. Drugs? Alcohol? Video games? Porn? Food? Whatever it is, work on eliminating it from your life. It isn't doing you any good.
Focus on your spiritual wellbeing. Whatever it is that you need to do. Pray, meditate, read your bible or other religious books, commune in fellowship with others who share your faith, etc.
These are just some examples. The take away is that you should be continuously improving yourself every day to become the best version of yourself that you can possibly be. If you're not doing that, how can you possibly expect to help others when shtf? Bettering ourselves and encouraging others to improve is the best possible way we can resist the system right now.
Excellent questions. I'll answer both at once.
Part of the "deal" with the great reset is going to be an offer to erase peoples' debts in exchange for forfeiting the right to own property. Remember the whole "you'll own nothing and you'll be happy" meme? Don't be part of that.
Get fit. Seriously, if you haven't already start going to the gym. If your gym is closed because of covid, buy some equipment for your home. If you can't afford equipment, do calisthenics. If you're completely ignorant on dieting and working out start doing research on YT. There's many excellent coaches out there these days so ignorance is no longer a valid excuse.
Continue to educate yourself, always. Read books. Build up a worldview through (real) education that enables you to take action and better yourself. Learn valuable and practical skills. Learn how to become charismatic that you may influence others for good purposes. Learn how to garden so that you may be self-sufficient with food. Learn how to shoot a gun. Learn how to use a ham radio. Learn how to read maps. Just keep learning.
Start networking. Find like-minded people who share similar beliefs with yourself. This doesn't mean you necessarily have to agree on everything. It is very unlikely you will find people that are in 100% agreement with you but you can find those whom you are compatible with, those whom you can trust to call upon in times of need.
Start fixing any addictions you may have. And don't bullshit me, we all have something we're addicted to. Drugs? Alcohol? Video games? Porn? Food? Whatever it is, work on eliminating it from your life. It isn't doing you any good.
Focus on your spiritual wellbeing. Whatever it is that you need to do. Pray, meditate, read your bible or other religious books, commune in fellowship with others who share your faith, etc.
These are just some examples. The take away is that you should be continuously improving yourself every day to become the best version of yourself that you can possibly be. If you're not doing that, how can you possibly expect to help others when shtf? Bettering ourselves and encouraging others to improve is the best possible way we can resist the system right now.
lmao.. your assuming everyone is not on the brink of poverty?