I have seen the Issac Kappy video Brackets and Jackets several times but it never occurred to me what he was talking about. The brackets are the ones that Q uses to put targets in a [ KILLBOX ]. When Q put brackets around someone's name or initials, it was understood they were in deep shit.
Kappy told Carrey he was going to die, if you eat kids you are going to die but I can help you try to save your soul.
It was reported that Kappy died in March of 2019, I think Kappy went underground. You don't drop evidence like this on Hollywood pedophilia and cannibalism publicly without a plan to escape, it would be a certain death sentence.
Carey got full on TDS for some reason and never looked back.
However, I like Jim Carey. He’s a person who deals with a plagued mind constantly and looks as if he’s been spending his whole life trying to figure out why he is so broken.