Do you trust Trump? Do you think he would jeopardize he's family's safety lightly? General Flynn? Lin Wood? ec etc.. The patriots has 100% control over America, but they are fighting over seas..The people in cages at the border? The people in the lines? Actors. Those people was ready in the United States, The US military has 100% control at the Mexico border, its all just a show from the patriots. And now i see that Trump has made a open statement if Durham is coming..Remember Q's last post.."Durham". Did Q fail on Evergreen? How many times has Q got it right? Many i believe or you wouldn't be here.
I have seen some semi-dooming lately. Nothing wrong in that but we have to stay the course and walk lightly. The DS is using the media to MAKE it look like they are in charge so we get desperate and give them the narrative-excuses to cause more FF's so they achieve their chaos and violence on the streets so foreign actors can go in. That's all the power they have left. A corrupt FBI and the media ..But they are not. Its a MOVIE..Its staged..Think on it logically, its not the real Biden, WE KNOW HE HAS A MASK..He is a total train wreck..And the whore just runs around and laughs? A total joke, as intended by the military.. Look, im from Sweden and 90% of people here thinks the DS is the good guys and is dead afraid of the virus. Trump and the military needs not only convince he supporters at home but also at least some better % in foreign countries like those in north Europe as well. But most importantly of all..Look at the deltas of the Q drops..It all come to happen the further away from the election we got..So Q prepared for this period, all that has happen world wide like Evergreen most recently
The military is fighting in complex underground environments around the world and carrying out operations..You might suffer but think about all those kids still in cages and dungeons to be sacrificed and raped.
Im a firm believer that we are in the end stage now just waking up the normies. I think we will see declass in April with the YUGE stuff that will turn the entire public world wide against them. Mike Lindell and Trump will create their own social media platform so autists can present, share and analyze the information as well as established red pill medias. In that way people will found out about all the details and i think SCOTUS will be taking upp all cases with Roberts immediately impeached by the military and arrested to face trail with hes DS buddies.
The rest of the SCOTUS will try all of the civilians, the military will try all the politicians and CEO'S, Hollywood celebrities (all that took part in the cult essentially).
So in the end, if you truly trust Trump and trust the competence of the US military? What kind of people join the military in general? Patriots..I think its impossible to not be. You are in that environment where everyone is prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice to defend the constitution and the people. Of course there is some black hats, but in the end its about who controls the show. Think on all those good people ignoring evil because they feel there is no point since there is no alternative to the evil..until Trump and patriots.
Look at all the signs with "17".. The deltas is on the minute sometime.."look for HUMA" ..Huma tweets the same day? The day after the election? AFTER TWO years silence???
This is all for waking up the normies and avoid chaos. To get a civil unrest on this level is VERY VERY VERY dangerous. It must be done right and after the book.
We have this guy, keep you heads cool. Take care of you community and let the military and Trump cast these daemons back in to the dark abyss..
But it will be worse first.. GME and Evergreen will crash the entire global economy and if you haven't noticed in US and EU right now are the banks printing money like it was monopoly.. The entire monetary system will crash and people will be in panic..And then..Only then will lazy and ignorant people (there are many) stop listen to corrupt voices and other low tier idiots for the truth. They will be on the precipice and then and only then will many have the will to change and see the truth. It will be "THE BIG SCARE EVENT" Q posted.But shortly after that the world will run on the QFS (quantum financial system) block chain system with a digital currency which will be gold backed essentially. All countries will remain having their "Dollars" and "Euros" but it will all run on that digital system. It will be the end of SWIFT and central bankers corruption and each countries national dept will be erased. They will freeze the gold price as well and make it impossible for inflation and bubbles. All banks around the world will be connected to this block-chain. And it has already been in use, it has already been tried..In the 2020 election..They scanned all ballots through that system. You see this quantum computer which this block chain runs on don't work with traditional IP routing, i know a lot about it since im a network engineer..No,its run with GPS technology which means that you have point to point messaging with geographical points.This is the reason Trump created the space force..Its runs it data over satellite.. In that way they knew exactly what happen with all the real ballots. In the same way you can trade money safely between two people with no third hand party involved..In other words. THE END FOR THE EVIL CABAL BANKERS. THIS IS IT. Trump and patriots has is behind it all. Look it up all yourself.
Keep faith patriots and see you in the comment fields. May god go with you.
Great post.
We need a good proportion of normies to wake up to get that critical mass for understanding and change. The change will be approved of by the majority when people have understood the danger. Too soon and there will be civil unrest because normies have not yet sufficiently woken up in bulk.
Numbers, proportions