An interesting morsel from that page is that the cargo is Hazard A (major). This refers to dangerous goods (also referred to as Hazardous Cargo). It means the substances, materials and articles that are covered by the IMDG Code and is cargo that is considered to be hazardous because of its flammable, corrosive, poisonous nature or other properties.
An interesting morsel from that page is that the cargo is Hazard A (major). This refers to dangerous goods (also referred to as Hazardous Cargo). It means the substances, materials and articles that are covered by the IMDG Code and is cargo that is considered to be hazardous because of its flammable, corrosive, poisonous nature or other properties.
That may explain the slowness in lifting the cargo off, maybe.
I’m confused. What’s the deal with this whole canal thing? I feel like I missed something. What’s goin on?
A ship got stuck sideways in the Suez Canal, blocking off 12% of global trade.
Very cool page. Good share, pede
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