Not my work. I already knew a lot of it is true so I decided to post it even tho I have not completely vetted it. Sent to me from a friend. Figured u guys could help vet, debunk, or ignore. Take what u will from it.
[March 24th]
Hillary's Codename from the CIA tells all: Evergreen was the shipping company used in trafficking children out of countries like Haiti.
Many of the decodes over the past couple of weeks have hammered in the gravity of the truth about Haiti and what it will do to the Democrat party.
A few days ago, a ship from Evergreen Cargo became lodged in the Suez Canal [Egypt]. The Captain of the ship sailed in a course that when when tracked from above, creates the image of a penis...
This would seem to suggest that this catastrophic navigation was intentional!
What kind of cargo will be discovered on this ship?
Nearly every 'Fact Checker' in the business swarmed around a story from May of 2017 alleging that a raid on an Evergreen Cargo ship that departed from Africa and arrived at the Port of Baltimore was harboring Human Trafficking Victims from countries like Yemen and Syria as well as drugs and other illegal contraband.
The ship's name? "The Chelsea".
The call sign for one of their ships was even named "H3RC"!!
Evergreen happens to own several ships named "Chelsea", which is coincidentally the name of HRC's daughter.
The symbolism is undeniable. Coincidentally, a Nursing Home named Evergreen Court in Spring Valley, New York caught fire on March 23rd.
Often, Deepstate comms are cloaked in such disasters. They'll sacrifice buildings full of people just to communicate simple messages: "Evergreen is going up in flames".
Just a coincidence?
Human trafficking, especially within 3rd world countries where people are considered subhuman by the Elite, revolves around the 4dr3n0chr0m3 trade.
The name "Evergreen" thus takes on a symbolic meaning:
4dr3n0chr0m3 is manufactured from the adrenalized blood of human beings, most often children.
Pagan cultures dating back thousands of years believed that the blood of the young possessed restorative powers. They considered it a veritable 'Fountain of Youth'.
Consuming this drug allows the user to maintain a youthful appearance much later in life than what is typically possible by natural means.
Some sources suggest that it takes several dozen children to produce one liter of the drug, which is purported to be worth over $1 billion on the Black Markets.
Withdrawal from the drug is said to be worse than even that of Methamphetamine or Heroin, as the body's own adrenaline production shuts down with the infusion of an outside source.
Rapid aging, extreme lethargy, and psychosis are the tell-tale signs of withdrawal from this drug.
'Evergreen' trees, such as the pine tree [pinecones are highly symbolic in the Occult], stay green throughout the year even through the winter months, hence the symbolism for this age-old 'Fountain of Youth' is embedded into the very name of the shipping company being used to transport it.
EverGreen = EverYouth
Synthetic versions of the drug can be produced by allowing Epi-Pens to age, as the molecule can be imitated via the oxidation of Epinephrine.
Ever wonder why the price of Epi-Pens shot up during the Trump administration?
The supply lines for the authentic drug were decimated over the past four years.
Evidence of major celebrities displaying signs of 4dr3n0chr0m3 withdrawal abounded over the last four years.
Marina Abramovich, who appears to be one of the most prolific 5p1r1t C00k1ng Witch Matrons among the worldwide Elite, is 74 years old. Upon first glance, she barely appears to be in her 50's.
She played a huge role in the NXIVM cult which Smallville actress Alison Mack went down for. Mack has tweeted photographs of a young 10-year old Maggie Nixon, granddaughter of Soap Opera Star Agnes Nixon [One Life To Live, All My Children] in extremely strange and suggestive photos with Barack Obama. Billionaire Elites such as Bill Gates and Richard Branson also had ties to this disturbing sex cult, in which young underage victims were literally branded with hot iron as property of the cult.
The Cabal appears to have known this day would come for a very long time.
In July of 2019, during the time the Jeffery Epstein / Ghislaine Maxwell investigation was heating up, Jake tapper gave a cryptic reply to a tweet which stated, "This is all going to get so much worse."
Tappers response?
Laura Silsby, close friend to Hillary Clinton and director of "The New Life Children's Refuge" was arrested for attempting to smuggle 33 children, most of which had families that were looking for them, across the Haitian border. Of course, HRC got her sentance drastically reduced...
The Hillary Email leaks found that Huma Abedin was constantly updating HRC about Laura Silsby's activities, which included setting up Orphanage fronts in the Dominican Republic.
Many 'coincidental' deaths have plagued those who venture to investigate the Clinton Foundation's activities in Haiti, including the death of Monica Peterson, who was serving as the assistant director of The Human Trafficking Center in Colorado. She mysteriously turned up dead shortly after digging into Haitian Child Trafficking in 2016.
The Haitians themselves knew. Many protests against the Clinton's stealing of Haitian Earthquake relief money as well as Slavery, Human Trafficking, and Sweatshops have taken place there.
It appears the people have had enough. Massive uprisings against Jovenel Moïse, who is overwhelmingly considered as a Obama/Clinton installed puppet there, after he refused to step down as President last February.
Also worth looking into is the Evergreen Strategy Group, a corporate activism group which specializes in Public relations. The firm is partnered with HRC, and filled to the brim by people with deep Clinton Foundation and Obama administration connections.
Evergreen Shipping was founded in 1968 by Dr. Chang Yung-Fa out of China.
In 1985, he established the Chang Yung-fa Foundation [Foundations = Fronts] which was dedicated to "providing emergency and medical aid, promoting education and culture and elevating moral standards."
Compare those to the Clinton Foundation's stated goals:
"To fulfill this mission, the Clinton Foundation works with strategic partners to develop and implement programs that create economic opportunity, improve public health, and inspire civic engagement and service."
Education, Economic Opportunity, PUBLIC HEALTH... Same Game, Different Name.
Yung-Fa passed away in 2016 at 88 years of age.
Cargo ships are apparently a preferred means of transport in the Human Trafficking trade.
Scott Borgerson, purported to be the 'secret' husband of Ghislaine Maxwell, is the founder of a maritime data/ tracking company, which seemed to be functioning as a sort of catalog for abduction and trafficking targets.
His stated goal was to build the "NSA of global trade. Eric Schmidt, founder of Google [CIA Front], was heavily involved.
"What I’m trying to build is the ‘NSA of global trade’,” he said, referring to America’s information intelligence agency, the National Security Agency. “We have a real-time digital map of the global economy. But more importantly, we have a data archive. More than the patent and the first-mover advantage and the dozens of rocket scientists [on staff], this is the biggest barrier to entry [for a competitor]. We save all the data we receive. We have hundreds of billions of historical records in a searchable database. Think of it as a Google search for trade – except it’s secret.”
The Department of Defense had uncovered evidence in 2018 that such a database was being used as a tool for worldwide Human Trafficking.
"The Pentagon Pedophile Task Force (working under Joint Special Operations Command) discovered actionable evidence (turned over to the Department of Defense) that showed the coordination of world-wide human trafficking has been expanded to a massive database that includes every conceivable factor of a human life (e.g. bloodline, DNA, genetics) including medical records.
For instance/example – the pregnancy of an expecting mother is tracked, and her baby (and or any other children she has) can be acquired (kidnapped) by the corporate apparatus (State licensed CPS; State licensed police; State licensed [privatized] [family] courts; State licensed hospitals; etc) in place to obtain children for trafficking."
These people are SICK.
Thankfully, they're also STUPID.
Watch that Water!
Truth is coming.
Godspeed, Patriots.
this is so thorough, thanks for sharing!
and good place to mention this again;
JFK Jr./George Magazine mentioned HRC's codename Evergreen in the George Book of Lists published in late 90's.
in the George Survival Guide to the Future edition the fictional story had 'protestors' who were 'time defiers'
& the story was about the 'maritime' and Quebec.
mathematically impossible...