I heard ADHD is fake but i do have learning difficulties. How do i overcome them naturally ?
Edit : Thank you all for your answers.
I heard ADHD is fake but i do have learning difficulties. How do i overcome them naturally ?
Edit : Thank you all for your answers.
I have Asperger's, and I happen to learn better by reading than by hearing a lecture. You might want to do a test. Pick a subject you're interested in, but don't know much about. Search for a book on the subject, and a YouTube video about it, and a school instructional lecture about it. Take notes and see which one you get more from. Then let someone else proofread your notes and see if you're dyslexic, as it shows up as poor spelling in some people (like my next door neighbor). If one of those methods tests as better, then use that method.
There are also other problems you might have, such as fear of testing. For that, look on the internet for info on how to take tests. That will lessen the fear. For example, on a True/False test, if a statement says "always" or "never," it is probably false. On multiple choice tests, you can usually eliminate one or two answers right off the bat, because they are either way off the mark or just plain silly. Always have plenty of protein for breakfast on the day of a test and rest the night before. Also, remember that they can't put you in prison for not making a good enough grade on a test. All they can do is mark up the test and put a bad grade on it. You can continue your education anyway.
I do better by myself than I do with others. The noise and movement is distracting, and I can't cope with politics.
I have a huge library at home. I have saved a ton of videos. And I have a separate room away from everything where I can have complete quiet or play music and study, write, or goof off, whatever I want when I want.
To sum it up, you need to do some self-experimentation to see what works for you.