I heard ADHD is fake but i do have learning difficulties. How do i overcome them naturally ?
Edit : Thank you all for your answers.
I heard ADHD is fake but i do have learning difficulties. How do i overcome them naturally ?
Edit : Thank you all for your answers.
Thats a very nice video. Thank you.
His entire channel is searchable and I suggest you take the information you learn in that one to search for other related health topics. Vitamins, which ones work together, what to include in your diet to get said vitamin from your food, making sure you have proper stomach acid to even break down and the microbiome to absorb the vitamin. It's more than just eating proper food, you need to make sure you aren't eating foods that deplete vitamins (the B's are easily depleted with grain and sugar and B is SO IMPORTANT for ADHD).
God bless you.