Where they can't bribe and blackmail their way out. And, considering what they did and do to humanity, specially the most fragile and vulnerable, I sincerely hope it hurts.
Just a thought exercise to end your Sunday. Remember, God wins. He always wins in the end.
Yup. The first was while they were alive.
Spirit cooked. They consiously made the choice.
'Knowingly' in Qs word
Unfortunately, the mainstream church (whos pastors must be certaified by the vatican's seminary) has lied to the true timeframe of the '1000 years'
Jesus announced the beginning of his reign in his time, the early church went through unbelieable persecution. They became street lamps, animal food or were simply beheaded.
The Gospel of the Kingdom of God/Heaven was announced as something WITHIN not OUTSIDE, and it started at that time.
Greeks (Revelation was in Greek) dont consider '1' as a number (like we dont consider '0' a number), so stating something as 1 always meant MORE THAN 1. So stating 1000 years simply meant an indeterminate LONG period of time.
Jews and other ancient cultures called them AGES, and associated them with the MAzzaroth/Zodiac signs, and lasted roughly 2000 or so years +/-
For example, Jesus came and ended the age of Aries the sacrificial ram, and as a lamb was sacrificed as the LAST sacrifice. He ushered in Pisces, as he taught mankind to fish for the souls of men. Fishing is FUN!
The synagogue of satan/saturn was aka the whore of Babylon and was ancient Israel, who Jesus warned of its utter destruction. Rev calls this 'satan being cast into the pit'. Then the '1000' years (or what was close to 2000 in fact) led to 1917 and the balfour declaration that ultimately led to Israel becoming a nation again, thanks to [them] the Rothschilds (Red Shield) family.
That was satan being LOOSED from the pit.
Perpetual, high casualty war (endless wars as Trump calls them) has been ongoing since, world wide.
100 years after 1917, Q arrived and began the process of setting the minds of man free from the Matrix.
THe church is the most blinded and brainwashed and will be the hardest to wake up of all the people, unfortunately. Very specific reason satan/Israel is saved for LAST.
Stage is now being set for that. Remember, the Lord will have his vengeance on [them] that killed him. Both nations involved.
Remember that the standard for the physical 'avatar' body was set in the Bible itself. John the Baptist was Elijah. Our bodies are nothing more than 'wine skins' and 'potters vessels' to be filled with the spirit.
Hearing that.... and knowing that the Lord returns as a LION and to subdue everything and but every enemy under his feet.... WHAT AVATAR DO YOU THINK THE LORD IS INHABITING CURRENTLY?
Dont use your eyes. Use your eye.
When you SEE you will never unsee.
Trust the plan.