My background is Jewish. I know that my religion has been heavily infiltrated by Khazarians such as the Rothschilds.
However, I’ve been finding myself aligning more with the teachings of Christ. Is Judaism wrong or is Christianity wrong? There has to be a definitive answer, right? This Great Awakening is really making me question my own beliefs and specifically my thoughts around Jesus Christ.
They are the same, God is always long suffering, God has always viewed the elect through Christ sacrifice, whether before Christ lived on earth or after. God is not bound like man to time, he is (as would seem to man) slow to anger and abounding in loving kindness. Considering our sins deserve the worst of punishments. Jesus speaks most about hell, and says he comes to bring sword not peace, that by him families will be rent asunder. To those who do not believe, the gospel message will offend, to those whose eyes are opened, as the men who walked with Jesus shortly after his resurrection, their hearts burned within as they talked along the way. Pray that the Holy Spirit does the same to you as you hear the whole word of God, both OT & NT.