From I’ve watched so far. The guy is desperately going behind whoever he interviews to get who is Q. He in one scene was talking to a Qtuber. And the Qtuber said “I think Roger stone is one of the Qs”. Then he thinks codemonkeys dad is Q because of his pen collection and Goldwater news site they had. He just thought it was suspicious that code monkeys dad said he was not into politics. Then the one that got me the most that seemed pretty close idk if it’s true their was no video just some audio. The narrator explaining where codemonkeys said Q’s IP was coming from. And it was where Steve Bannons house was sounded pretty damn close. It got me thinking it makes sense. But again no real definitive proof of who Q is. But I think he could be close or far off idk. If you think about it would be the one top person closest to trump to get the Q intel. Thought it was interesting thought I would share.
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This is good actually. Normies come for the crazie and stay for the redpills.
Exactly people get curious of what journalist talk about and that’s a pretty damn good red pill. At least a good chunk of their millions of viewers are gonna check the websites he refers to. That’s a pretty good redpill imo. Not the best but pretty good.