TRUMP is John Galt and our world has become a cesspool of inefficiency, corruption, and will soon fail...will he pull it off and take us into a new world? A fair and honest world of freedom? I believe he will. The knashing of teeth will be severe, but eventually their lights will go out. Hold the line Patriots, freedom is coming. I believe!
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I have never read the book that was mentioned called Behold a Pale Horse. It sounded really interesting. Have you read it? I heard of it once or twice back in the day but never thought anything about it but now I think I want to read it. Lots of interesting things going on these days in our world. You have a good one fren
I listened to the Youtube of the radio show... I think the book was a transcription of that.
Cooper was right on the money for a things and had some pretty weird "UFO" stories so I was always on the fence about him... but just like Q, there was SO much that just could not be a coinkidink...
You too Fren!!!
Those pictures of Hunter Biden with the red scarf around his neck...makes me think of 'future proves past". Maybe he will be suicided soon by asphyxiation with a red scarf??? Just a random thought. He is one messed up dude!
Hey I just wanted to let you know that it is a pleasure to chat with you and I really enjoy it. I don't have much to say all the time but I wanted to maybe try to keep in touch once in awhile with you if that's okay.
Sounds like a plan... people say one of two things about me... he never says anything (when I am deep in a project) or he never shuts up!!
OH another one is "The Iron Mountain Report" or "Report From Iron Mountain"... interesting read.