We don't possess anywhere near the amount or quality of top-level intel that the military, Trump, and Q operators do.
It's extremely common for humans to use ignorance ("not knowing") as a reason to amp up fear, worry, doubt, negativity, etc., as part of a survival/defense mechanism. We're wired that way, but with an "out" in the form of cerebral cortical override of lower brain centers responsible for emotions.
Contrarian by nature, I'm using my comfortable blanket of ignorance as logical justification for NOT worrying, doubting, or fearing the worst. I'm telling myself I simply don't QUALIFY to bathe in amped-up negativity about events in the news, because I don't have anywhere near the right amount or quality of data to assess them.
Meanwhile, I've been given ample, very satisfying proof that patriotic people who ARE in possession of that data and in a position to do something about it are in fact hard at it, and that this is simply taking longer than anyone would want.
We don't possess anywhere near the amount or quality of top-level intel that the military, Trump, and Q operators do.
It's extremely common for humans to use ignorance ("not knowing") as a reason to amp up fear, worry, doubt, negativity, etc., as part of a survival/defense mechanism. We're wired that way, but with an "out" in the form of cerebral cortical override of lower brain centers responsible for emotions.
Contrarian by nature, I'm using my comfortable blanket of ignorance as logical justification for NOT worrying, doubting, or fearing the worst. I'm telling myself I simply don't QUALIFY to bathe in amped-up negativity about events in the news, because I don't have anywhere near the right amount or quality of data to assess them.
Meanwhile, I've been given ample, very satisfying proof that patriotic people who ARE in possession of that data and in a position to do something about it are in fact hard at it, and that this is simply taking longer than anyone would want.
Feels good man
You could post the same thing in 2022, 2024. At a certain point, we the PEOPLE need to take action not just rely on Q.