True, though I never would use any Q post to invalidate the entire movement, regardless of what retarded Qphobes do.
Mention Q outside this forum, and it's "B-B-BUT MUH TRUST SESSIONS!! RrrrrrrrreeeeeeeEEEEEEE!!!"
(Meanwhile, it's still the case that nobody here really knows whether Sessions did mostly good, mostly bad, or mostly nothing. We simply are not being provided the amount or quality of intel needed to make interpretations, predictions, inferences, or decisions.
True, though I never would use any Q post to invalidate the entire movement, regardless of what retarded Qphobes do.
Mention Q outside this forum, and it's "B-B-BUT MUH TRUST SESSIONS!! RrrrrrrrreeeeeeeEEEEEEE!!!"
(Meanwhile, it's still the case that nobody here really knows whether Sessions did mostly good, mostly bad, or mostly nothing. We simply are not being provided the amount or quality of intel needed to make interpretations, predictions, inferences, or decisions.