so the first two episodes led us to believe that ron or jim were q... the second and third episodes led us to believe bannon was q.... until they said hes definitely not Q. they ended the 4th episode in a cliffhanger, to bring people back next week.
this is HBO after all, they know how to make an entertaining show. this show isnt for us, its for the normies.
yea, you must have missed how that episode ended... or you didnt understand it.
il break it down for you. bannon was a red herring. they knew that the whole time but saved it right til the end for entertainment purposes.
you're right, i did miss how it ended. i couldn't deal with that dudes mustache anymore
so the first two episodes led us to believe that ron or jim were q... the second and third episodes led us to believe bannon was q.... until they said hes definitely not Q. they ended the 4th episode in a cliffhanger, to bring people back next week.
this is HBO after all, they know how to make an entertaining show. this show isnt for us, its for the normies.
HBO is also home of shitlibs Bill Maher and John Oliver and their NPC followers, and wouldn't exist without pedo-infested Hollywood.