stevethefish76 0 points ago +2 / -2

Please be JFK Jr. Please be JFK Jr. Please be JFK Jr. Please be JFK Jr. Please be JFK Jr. Please be JFK Jr. Please be JFK Jr.

stevethefish76 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree. I just say "Black" and leave it at that.

stevethefish76 4 points ago +4 / -0

I picked up Big Trouble in Little China on bluray over the weekend. I have it on DVD already, but this was for a good price at Book Off (used merch store).

stevethefish76 6 points ago +6 / -0

I don't want to defend this cum-stained whore, but she is biracial. Her mom is Indian and her father is Jamaican. So she's half Black, half Indian. What she is NOT is an African American. I once knew a guy who was Jamaican and he would point out that while he was Black, he wasn't "African American."

That said, the media will just pander to whomever they see fit.

stevethefish76 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh, you are right. Duh. I didn't catch that.

stevethefish76 6 points ago +6 / -0

Holy crap. Netenyahu is denouncing acts of violence. Like the pot calling the kettle "black."

stevethefish76 5 points ago +5 / -0

So did Sam Hyde get blamed for the assassination attempt on Trump? If he did, I didn't catch it on time. Those Sam Hyde memes kill me. Stupid Adam Kinzinger fell for the one with Hyde as the Ghost of Kiev. Or Kyyyiv or Kashyyyk or whatever it's called anymore.

stevethefish76 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, that is my other theory. Or it was until this "Covid" nonsense was declared. They may off him and say it was Corona-chan.

stevethefish76 6 points ago +6 / -0

Alright, I'm just some guy in Japan catching the highlights of Miss Pepsi being grilled by MGT, Boebert, and even AOC over her incompetence. And yeah, I am sure that AOC gets her share of death threats from conservative asshole dickbrains. Doesn't mean that they are on our side. AOC can just be some YouTuber showing off her fantastic tits and making macaroni and cheese while building Gundam models or something and still get death threats.

My theory: "Suicide Weekend" may entail Cheater Cheatle and several of her SS cohorts supposedly offing themselves, Arkancide style, to keep this hush-hush. Plus some good, ol' fashioned heart attacks, turbo cancers, and other such shenanigans.

stevethefish76 5 points ago +5 / -0

Maybe it was the "suicide weekend."

stevethefish76 1 point ago +1 / -0

The malpractice insurance is because of frivolous lawsuits. My mom had leukemia for 15 years or so, which is essentially AIDS. She picked up a bacterial infection at a hospital which gave her a super high fever. They administered some experimental drug to take the fever down (dunno the name) and the side effect was that it shut down her colon. Her body poisoned itself to death. The hospital claimed she died from leukemia, but no, she died from the bacterial infection and the medicine, both from the hospital. Sure, my family could have sued and made a fortune, but where does that come from? Everyone else paying high hospital expenses. America is a society of litigation and healthcare legislation is written by ambulance chasers.

stevethefish76 4 points ago +4 / -0

Updoot for making a comparison to Vogons. I live in Japan where there is socialized medicine, but the big difference is that Japan is 1. not a society of litigation and 2. not a country of mass, illegal immigration. As to the second point, the closest problem is especially Chinese who come here as tourists, somehow exploit the medical system, and return to their country and not pay the bills. In America, if some guy named Jose from Venezuela is rushed to the ER with a gunshot wound because he's a cretin, the hospital saves his live and never hears from him again. Then there are the frivolous lawsuits. My friend's wife had her own practice but when she saw what Obamacare would bring, she called it quits and became a tradwife, raising a family on a single income. He's an engineer, so they can afford it. Anyhow, Howard Dean at the time when Obamacare was being foisted on society even admitted himself that there would never be tort reform included in the package because the Democrat Party is beholden to the Trial Lawyers' Association.

So when Leftists in America look to socialized medicine as their ideal, they emulate Cuba or Canada rather than Japan where it actually sort of works. In America where you have healthcare legislation written by ambulance chasers, the individual is gonna get screwed. On the Right you have politicians who want you to pay through the nose for the medical industry to kill you, and on the Left you have politicians who want the medical industry to kill you "for free" (ie taxed to death). Either way, the medical industry kills you. That is the Rockefeller Western medical paradigm we live in.

stevethefish76 1 point ago +1 / -0

His ballsack is empty. He only has soybeans for testicles.

stevethefish76 3 points ago +3 / -0

Tonya Harding and Nancy Carrigan. Wow, that takes me back...

stevethefish76 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Climate legislation." Yeah, that's part of the reason why EVERYTHING is MOAR EXPENSIVE these days. Thanks, Mr. Sniffy.

stevethefish76 1 point ago +1 / -0

Biden: "Do you know how horny I am standing next to a 14 year old girl?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCp5gv435D4

stevethefish76 3 points ago +3 / -0

At least Amish women still wear dresses in America.

stevethefish76 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have quite a steam library myself. Look up games on the Proton Database to check compatibility. Most games I've wanted work. I took a chance and bought a game recently that has no ratings yet on Proton and it worked, so I'll add my review to it soon.

I generally play 2D games, but my daughter enjoys 3D games as well.

stevethefish76 1 point ago +1 / -0

My friend installed Ubuntu on his Mac and thought it was alright, but then he tried Mint and liked it better. Mint is based on Ubuntu, but goes an extra step to win over converts.

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