8kun is a great place for THEORY FAGGING but it is not connected to Q, outside the Q drops.
The MSM is cherry picking theories that get traction and then mocking their unrealized predictions.
Who the fuck said it was full of smuggled children without confirmation?
And what kind of dumb fuck would tell normies that kids were going to be rescued?
Rather than make wild predictions about what happens next, share links like the ones here that confirm humans are trafficked in shipping containers:
Then talk about Hillary's SS code name being EVERGREEN and the call sign of the Ever Given being H3RC and an assisting tugboat with the name BARAKA.
I have no doubt Patriots are in Control and this EVERGREEN event clearly demonstrated it...
People are used to being told exactly what to believe by the MSM and every outlet is it lockstep. They are confused that a community could entertain multiple theories at the same time because they've never seen or experienced anything like it before.
Uncertainty is uncomfortable and soft people seek comfort above all else.