8kun is a great place for THEORY FAGGING but it is not connected to Q, outside the Q drops.
The MSM is cherry picking theories that get traction and then mocking their unrealized predictions.
Who the fuck said it was full of smuggled children without confirmation?
And what kind of dumb fuck would tell normies that kids were going to be rescued?
Rather than make wild predictions about what happens next, share links like the ones here that confirm humans are trafficked in shipping containers:
Then talk about Hillary's SS code name being EVERGREEN and the call sign of the Ever Given being H3RC and an assisting tugboat with the name BARAKA.
I have no doubt Patriots are in Control and this EVERGREEN event clearly demonstrated it...
The other side is used to having their thinking done for them. Having people brainstorm, theory craft, reduce the unlikely etc... just doesn’t make sense to them at all. Personally, I like to go straight to - this is it, tomorrow the credits roll - as my first thought. Basically best case scenario as my first thought :)
Theory craft is a great word for it. That is what we do, and what so many American's are incapable of doing. False flag shootings are another example. When we look at what happened in Boulder and suggest it's a false flag, right away there's attacks that we are stupid, making things up, etc. They are incapable of simply considering the possibility, looking at the details, weighing different potentialities for what could've occurred. Often they find one counterpoint and dismiss the possibility, such as "why would anyone do such a thing." It's just silly and shallow.
It would be nice if we clarified where we are theory crafting, asking for theory feedback, and posting to help fact check. I saw the same messages about people being arrested while we were looking the other way, for a few days. I would have been excited to share it for the first time, and might not have looked up the pedos arrested to see their dates.
As for the one thing wrong... I believe, yet... it is hard to look at Clint Eastwood and think “is he a pedo, I hope not”. Then, I just get sick thinking of the kids being harmed. Then I think about our country being sold, and ... need to calm down. I don’t want to leave this mess for my kids, and I am happy Q shared the plan with us.