And your thoughts on Trump installing Barr as AG after the Bush Sr funeral? You know how obvious it is that Barr has been a deep state asset for a long time. Served as Bush AG. Barr had always been such a fraud, there is literally no way he couldn't have known. Some speculate that Trump cut a deal with the DS when he realized no one was on his side, hence why Hillary never ended up in prison, Barr becoming AG, ect.
The results? We are about to have fucking vaccine passports and no more 2nd amendment (papers, please? You ever heard of the Gestapo or the Cheka?) because everyone is sitting on their phones and computers waiting for what maybe could be, perhaps nothing even, while the United States looks more and more like a communist country every day. Do you know anything about Stalin? "The best way to control your opposition is to lead it yourself". Don't forget history, stay weary of all information. I love what Trump did for our country and it was beyond needed, but he never actually touched on the Federal Reserve. The plan? It'd be great if/when whatever happens, happens. Until then be proactive in your community, just don't wait to be saved. Look at what happened in history when people thought it couldnt possibly happen to them, or waited to be saved. Take care, hope everyone around you and yourself is doing well.
I don’t think anyone here believes trusting a military operation is taking place excludes the need to prepare for the worst case scenario. These are not mutually exclusive situations.
That being said, documents were leaked regarding the insurance files sent not only to JA but to Trump as well. Barr is on there. Huber is on there. Cory Booker is on there. If you have the blackmail, you have the leverage. Many birds likely start singing when presented with footage of their crimes, and when ratting others out reduces their sentences a la prisoner’s dilemma.
Once enough people are awake, the people will be begging for the military to reinstall Trump in the White house so he can lead publically and not from behind the scenes like he is now.
I've never been more confident that everything is going as planned.
He mostly said to not be afraid of the virus, and people should have “the freedom” to choose if they want to take it or not, it’s our choice to decide no mandates.
Why would Trump approve it? I've heard the gene therapy thing and also the saline solution theory and I don't buy either.
No way Trump would be this blunt with his approval if it would harm us.
And your thoughts on Trump installing Barr as AG after the Bush Sr funeral? You know how obvious it is that Barr has been a deep state asset for a long time. Served as Bush AG. Barr had always been such a fraud, there is literally no way he couldn't have known. Some speculate that Trump cut a deal with the DS when he realized no one was on his side, hence why Hillary never ended up in prison, Barr becoming AG, ect.
We wouldn't be where we are today if Trump wasn't able to infiltrate these people.
He risked not only his life, but also his soul for us, luckily it paid off and we seeing the results of the plan.
The results? We are about to have fucking vaccine passports and no more 2nd amendment (papers, please? You ever heard of the Gestapo or the Cheka?) because everyone is sitting on their phones and computers waiting for what maybe could be, perhaps nothing even, while the United States looks more and more like a communist country every day. Do you know anything about Stalin? "The best way to control your opposition is to lead it yourself". Don't forget history, stay weary of all information. I love what Trump did for our country and it was beyond needed, but he never actually touched on the Federal Reserve. The plan? It'd be great if/when whatever happens, happens. Until then be proactive in your community, just don't wait to be saved. Look at what happened in history when people thought it couldnt possibly happen to them, or waited to be saved. Take care, hope everyone around you and yourself is doing well.
I don’t think anyone here believes trusting a military operation is taking place excludes the need to prepare for the worst case scenario. These are not mutually exclusive situations.
That being said, documents were leaked regarding the insurance files sent not only to JA but to Trump as well. Barr is on there. Huber is on there. Cory Booker is on there. If you have the blackmail, you have the leverage. Many birds likely start singing when presented with footage of their crimes, and when ratting others out reduces their sentences a la prisoner’s dilemma.
Yes, this redpills people, that sends them here.
Once enough people are awake, the people will be begging for the military to reinstall Trump in the White house so he can lead publically and not from behind the scenes like he is now.
I've never been more confident that everything is going as planned.
He mostly said to not be afraid of the virus, and people should have “the freedom” to choose if they want to take it or not, it’s our choice to decide no mandates.