So refreshing to hear an MD not afraid of speaking the truth.
ℹ️ ⚔️ Information Warfare ⚔️ ℹ️
The man needs to be heard far and wide regarding Covid. Spread this link to everyone.
This is all about money and depopulation.
In 2005 Dr Fauci published in HIS OWN Journal of Virology that HCQ was the treatment for the Corona virus. He hid that information in 2020 and many died. The New World Order is trying to control us with FEAR. So that's why everybody is taking the shot. It's not a vaccine. It is experimental gene therapy. But they will make Billions of dollars from it. NOBODY HAD TO DIE.
Also there are MANY deaths and side effects associated with the Corona shot. It will kill you sooner or later. The New World Order wants to DEPOPULATE the world by 90%. They want to be the leaders and the humans leftover will serve them.
So the shot makes the NWO tons of money and will kill or injure many people. Biden and his friends have sold America to the CCP and New World Order. They are trying everything and anything to kill us. If you look at it that way, everything makes sense.