posted ago by yudsfpbc ago by yudsfpbc +39 / -1

One of the ways we solve very complicated physics problems is to propose all possible scenarios and see which scenarios fit the facts. It's sort of like Sherlock Holmes saying, "When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

I could go on and on about how we use this technique mathematically to charge seemingly impossible problems in theoretical physics, but it has very practical applications in experimental physics. If we have two versions of reality that both conform with our experiments, then we derive a new experiment to reveal which it is by finding some disagreement between the versions of reality.

In that spirit, I've been trying to wrap my head about what's going to happen by proposing possible realities and trying to see which conforms better with the facts as I observe them (Seeing is not believing. Observing is what you do after you've accounted for human error.)

Here's the scenarios I think are most likely.

Trump is not president right now, Biden is. This reality requires that every branch of government, every individual who has power (or rather, the vast majority of them) believe that Biden won the election fair and square, and either refuse to look at the facts or have looked at them and found them lacking.

Given my observation that (a) the media lies, about everything, all the time, and (b) the government is deeply divided and not at all united, I find this reality to be one of the least likely. After all, the statement "the media never gets anything right about physics, ever" is true and I have yet to see any evidence contrary to it. I have asked experts in other fields if it is true in their field as well, and they agree. So the statement, "The media is wrong about everything all the time" is true.

But also, a whole lot of things don't make sense. Why did the Supreme Court refuse to hear the case? Can the Supreme Court be legitimate and at the same time refuse to take on the case? I can't imagine any universe or reality where a Supreme Court could do such a thing, in any country. Refusing even to hear the evidence or look at the case is insulting at best, treasonous at worst.

If I were trying to steal a government, I wouldn't refuse to hear the case. I would instead let the case play out in front of everyone, and then bring in my own "facts" to deceive the people, or at least muddy the waters enough so that when the decision came down in my favor, I can claim some form of authenticity. It is imperative that I leave my opponents the possibility of victory through legal means in the future, so that they "go along to get along" until the next election or whatnot.

Maybe the government is retarded and full of incompetents who don't deserve the ability to govern. Maybe they thought, in their infantile minds, that stealing the election then refusing to hear the case would be the best possible avenue. I can imagine the depths of government stupidity, but this would take the cake!

President Trump is still president, but he's pretending not to be. This one is even more mysterious than the former. If Trump won, and became president, why not say so? The evidence is on his side, and he can win any case against the government.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me fully explore what this means. It means that the inauguration was faked. There was a secret inauguration where Trump was sworn in for his second term. It means all the military and federal officers have to pretend Biden is president but secretly get orders from Trump. Or at least their senior-most commanders. But why would Trump open the Southern border and do all the things that Biden signed?

What would be the point of this charade? Is there a massive insurrection he is preventing? Are there more people he needs to catch before he can show himself as president? Is there some cataclysmic event he is trying to prevent by hiding?

There is no federal government, but people in power don't want the people to know this yet. This reality requires that there be a massive cover up of epic proportions. Probably 10 moon landings, if you believe that was faked. Is it possible to get thousand and thousands of people to cooperate to pull the wool over the people's eyes?

Yes, yes it is possible. After all, the Allied Forces fooled Hitler into believing that the invasion would be at Calais, and even after invading Normandy, he refused to move his units from Calais because he believed it was a feint. How did the Allies get away with it? They took control of pretty much every avenue of information available to Hitler. All his top spies were really Allied double-agents.

Well, how do we get our information? Aside from a few citizen-journalists, it's not impossible to control pretty much everything we see and hear.

This begs the question: Why is the federal government disbanded, who is in charge, and when will this fact be revealed? I can only surmise that perhaps the level of invasion into our government(s) was so high that President Trump declared the entire thing unsalvageable. This would be what I would do if I were president, and I would've done it a long time ago, probably in the 90s.

This is where it gets interesting.

White hats are in charge. Like the "President Trump is still president" scenario, one has to wonder why the white hats would let things get so bad? Again, what cataclysmic event are we preventing?

Black hats are in charge. This would explain a lot, actually. Because they do not have "real" government power they are madly trying to secure their powerbase through a series of short-sighted but historically effective techniques.

Of course, with no federal government, you have to ask yourself if there are people who oppose the current government? if so, what are they doing and how do they intend to accomplish it?

I'm not conclusive in my analysis, but I believe an analysis like this suggest the following is true:

  1. There is no federal government. It has collapsed. That fact is being hidden from us.
  2. There are bad actors in charge of the country right now, and they are likely using a fake government to try and rule over us.
  3. There are good actors behind the scenes who have some ultimate plan to play the ultimate UNO reverse card. Hence, the urgency from the bad actors and their desperation and short-sightedness.

I think the above also reconciles very well with what Q has been writing. Are the good guys in control? Yes, but not directly at the moment.

It may also explain why Trump and good actors are behaving the way they are: There is a cataclysmic event (civil war) that they desperately want to prevent, so much so that they are willing to step aside and let bad actors take control for a moment.