posted ago by nothingelsematters ago by nothingelsematters +19 / -0

With the release of 45office.com, I absolutely love that we now have a way to directly communicate with President Trump. While perusing the site, I began to pick up on some comms. For this posting, I’d like to just focus on the photo placed on the Contact page: https://www.45office.com/info/share-your-thoughts

The image of Trump signing a book with a black pen (follow the pen), shows a reflection on the table that doesn’t match. First, I don’t believe a true reflection would show the entire arms and hands. Secondly, the reflection of the elbow on the left is cut off with a straight line, whereas the actual elbow above it is fully shown. Whatever it is that’s cutting off the elbow, I can’t seem to find. Does anyone know what this could be? Then we have the tie. A true reflection of the tie would appear upside down. I’m having a hard time with flag pin. It doesn’t appear right, but I’m not sure as to why. Also, other pedes have mentioned that the reflection shows him holding the book. I concur. Speaking of the book, notice how the color of the book’s reflection does not match. On the right, the gold pages in the book are darker in the reflection, whereas the left side of the book is just the opposite. I also found the red color of the book to be unusual, or should I say, deliberate. The last thing I noticed were two round brown (somethings) found on the top of the right arm’s reflection. You have to really zoom in to see them. What are they, and why do we not see them other than in the reflection?

So, what does all this mean? This is where I need all of you. I can make generalizations, such as he is telling us that the plan is still in action, etc. But many of you are much better at interpreting the comms on a higher plane.

While there are some definite comms going on, I am cautious. The enemy is just as aware of the comms as we are; thus they can be nefariously produced by the black hats. Many of photos appear to be original; therefore, only Trump (and his team) would have access to said photos (hopefully).

My gut tells me this is the real deal, but we will not know for certain until Trump himself mentions it either live or in recorded video. It’s so tempting to send him a message directly, but I caution against it until we have direct confirmation from the man himself. Only then will we know whether these are outside comms or a direct line to the greatest President who ever lived.

These are only my opinions and in no way do I claim to be an expert. Please add anything you can to the list, whether it be something I missed or an interpretation of the comms.