Yes. Our family lost a little one near that same age. I’ve held a baby that size in my own hand. It is unthinkable evil that they are murdered, on purpose, for profit. ?
Sorry about that I understand ... It hits home.. But yes we're dealing with pure evil. So many questions? Where is the churchs ! 501 c3 has them ham strung in many cases
501 (c)(3) is how the government took over religion and was able to prevent them from establishing competing welfare programs with no restrictions for their participants.
Imagine if a community church organized potlucks for the poor and essentially set up an all you can eat buffet with no strings attached?
Meanwhile, we've seen individuals jailed in our country for feeding the homeless and locked up for longer than some pedophiles have been. As much as people rave about Florida, many of the arrests I'm talking about happened there (or at least were the cases reported upon nationally).
I remember hiring a felon after getting it cleared through HR only for the company to later tell me I had to fire him, and this was after he'd already done an outstanding job for a number of weeks. He was so excited for his chance. He was working hard to prove I hadn't made a mistake. It killed me when I had to fire him.
Meanwhile, Hunter Biden was banging his dead brother's wife, her friend, and her daughters and leaving crack pipes in rental cars and getting away with it with no penalty whatsoever (at least in the short term).
Yes. Our family lost a little one near that same age. I’ve held a baby that size in my own hand. It is unthinkable evil that they are murdered, on purpose, for profit. ?
Sorry about that I understand ... It hits home.. But yes we're dealing with pure evil. So many questions? Where is the churchs ! 501 c3 has them ham strung in many cases
Truth. ^^
501 (c)(3) is how the government took over religion and was able to prevent them from establishing competing welfare programs with no restrictions for their participants.
Imagine if a community church organized potlucks for the poor and essentially set up an all you can eat buffet with no strings attached?
Meanwhile, we've seen individuals jailed in our country for feeding the homeless and locked up for longer than some pedophiles have been. As much as people rave about Florida, many of the arrests I'm talking about happened there (or at least were the cases reported upon nationally).
I remember hiring a felon after getting it cleared through HR only for the company to later tell me I had to fire him, and this was after he'd already done an outstanding job for a number of weeks. He was so excited for his chance. He was working hard to prove I hadn't made a mistake. It killed me when I had to fire him.
Meanwhile, Hunter Biden was banging his dead brother's wife, her friend, and her daughters and leaving crack pipes in rental cars and getting away with it with no penalty whatsoever (at least in the short term).
Been there that shit is hard.