No mask! No vaccine! If they want my gun, I will only hand it to them after it is empty! The only rules I care about are the 10 commandments! They do not and will not control me, because I know the good Sheppard, and hear his voice only!
Comments (13)
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Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition and we'll all stay free.
And NO other voices Shall I follow
Sorry dude when they show up with a half a dozen fully armed at your front door with your family trembling behind you . All of that goes out the window. When they blackball your job until you get vaccinated and wear a mask you can no longer provide or protect your family it all goes out the door. You will fold and become a good sheep. I wish people understood it will take the whole 81 million not just individuals to right this wrong. I am pissed too but I am but one where they are many and organized and fear no God or have no laws. We on the other hand are a few dozen still on this site looking for hopium where none exists.
Hate to admit it ..well written !
I have always said if they come to take my guns, I will give them up...........Lead first!
You also care about the law of the land, probably, besides the 10 Commandments
But you need to be sovereign. Are you. A hint:
Check out Tore says March your attorney general! Do something about it now!!