I've posted a few times about how my 10-person office is reacting to vaccines. I told my boss I wouldn't get one, that I would leave the company if mandated.
Today, 2 of my coworkers got vaccinated in the morning with one more going this afternoon. They're posting on instagram, they're all excited on our morning conference call about getting vaccinated, they're trying to push it on our social media accounts. I'm so disappointed. I'm sad for them, that they just get sucked into this giant socially engineered web. They've been victims of marketing by the cabal, they're being manipulated and forced into something they just "trust" and don't know anything about. They're blind to the numbers of deaths and illnesses caused by the "vaccines" and then I'm the crazy person who is refusing.
It's like all of a sudden, "everyone else is doing it" is the attitude, when literally less than half a year ago, it was "nobody should do it because Orange Man bad." Everybody seems to have amnesia or something. It's driving me fucking crazy and all I can do is sit back and be silent and allow them to hopefully realize they've been played.
It's so infuriating I can't help but feel disengaged and just pity them at this point. Bless their sweet, dumb hearts.
Thanks, pede! This is an excellent resource that I will be saving and making use of.
None. I worded my position a bit less concretely for effect, but as of right now, I see no evidence that would compel me to take the vaccine. Your list of resources only further cements this.
That said, if anything "keeps me considering it", it's the very simple and continual commitment to the truth, facts, and science that would keep me considering it IF there is ever compelling or credible evidence to support it.
Science is a process - an iterative one, in which hypotheses are tested, refined, and reformed constantly to find objective, reproducible, and observable truths. If I'm going to expect climatologists, dietitians, and medical researchers to continually challenge their own assertions in a commitment to the truth above politics, then I should also expect it of myself.
That said, clearly, the onus is on the people who lied about HCQ, about COVID's origins and mortality rates, and asymptomatic spread to prove beyond reasonable doubt that this vaccine is safe and effective, and clearly not only are they not doing that, they are proving exactly the opposite.
Thanks again for the amazing list of references. I'm hoping I can find the right way to share these with the people in my life that need to see them.
Thanks for being positively receptive to research! I really appreciate your response. It’s quite refreshing and encouraging. I hear authentic brain workings in your words and am beyond glad.
The breadth and width of the lies provided by those who profess to care are quite astounding. A sad state of affairs we find ourselves in when “scientists” can’t be trusted not to hide or lie about their process.
Trying to figure out how to share these is also a cover for me, how to tell those we care the most. It weighs on my heart. Praying for us all. May God guide us as we share in good health fren.