MahaYoshi 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hey, that’s not very nice!

I happen to have a very nice soap dish (in the “good” bathroom) that I could probably look at and listen to for minutes at a time.

Comparing Mike Pence to my soap dish is an insult — not only to my soap dish, but to every nice soap dish in every good bathroom!

MahaYoshi 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for the update, I’m glad you figured it out and that you’re doing better.

And I’m really glad you followed up here with what it ended up being. You never know who else this might help!

MahaYoshi 4 points ago +4 / -0

Don’t forget “very fine people on both sides, and I don’t mean the neo-nazi’s and white supremacists” became “Trump calls white supremacists ‘very fine people’”

MahaYoshi 3 points ago +3 / -0

Please guys, I can’t vote for Trump any harder than I already am! 😂

MahaYoshi 9 points ago +9 / -0

The Hunger Games is especially poignant to me, given I’m convinced the architects behind January 6th used The Hunger Games’ First Rebellion and its fall out as a blueprint.

They staged an insurrection and then, much like the First Rebellion, slander as “insurrectionists” anyone who opposes the tyranny of The Capital, remind the public incessantly of what happened with the First Rebellion any time negative opinion swells, and hold it over them as reason to justify boundless abuse and tyranny, in the name of never allowing a rebellion ever again.

MahaYoshi 17 points ago +17 / -0

Nothing says “transparency” like putting cardboard over the windows of your election center after you kick out red poll watchers while mystery vans pull into the back.

MahaYoshi 3 points ago +3 / -0

So basically “Russia is just lying about how Ukraine had a bunch of bioweapons labs and spy programs against Russia as justification for invading. But don’t worry, because we’ve been one step ahead of Putin… by having bioweapons labs and spy programs in Ukraine against Russia.”

MahaYoshi 1 point ago +1 / -0

I used to think the Big Mike thing was ridiculous.

I also used to wonder why Obama suddenly, out of nowhere, started pushing the transgender crap in his last couple years of office.

Then you guys taught me how to big brain and realize that one thing makes the other thing make total sense.

As is the case with so much of this. Wherever there’s a thing that doesn’t make sense, there’s a theory that makes it make sense if only you’re willing to hear it out.

MahaYoshi 4 points ago +4 / -0

It’s been a while since I actually laughed out loud at a meme.

Top notch court room sketch, GEOTUS sitting comfy af!

MahaYoshi 6 points ago +6 / -0

So the computer program trained on the WEF data that you gave to it, along with weighted bias in favor of the WEF concepts you gave to it, was able to parrot back all the WEF things you have been saying?

Cool. I can do that too, when I write “print(‘Hello World’)”

MahaYoshi 5 points ago +6 / -1

The bigger problem is that we have too many native born citizens who need to be deported along with whatever percentage of illegal immigrates that shouldn’t be here — but we have no mechanism to do so.

I don’t really care where you’re from, but if you’re still supporting leftist policies such as forced vaccines, trans surgeries, unlimited spending and the like, then you need to go.

Even if you were born here.

MahaYoshi 8 points ago +8 / -0

The problem here isn’t that Taylor Swift is left wing.

The problem is that there is a clear inflection point at which Taylor Swift turned from an apolitical singer for everyone, and turned into a left wing mouthpiece blindly endorsing the left wing regime. And ended up, conveniently enough, dating another very popular left wing owned celebrity who appeals to a distinctly separate audience (football fans).

The whole relationship, and Swift and Kelce’s whole careers, are currently owned and engineered by the left to manipulate the public. Not just because the dems bought them financially, but because their entire careers have been threatened and held ransom by the left if they don’t comply.

That’s what the issue here is, and that’s what people like me are so eager to point out. Calling this “another wild conspiracy theory” is just playing their game for them — like most other Q aligned theories, this one has clear merit and evidence.

All that said, I do agree that pursuing it right now, with normies, is a lost cause.

Just as arguing with normies on vaccines was a lost cause, and trying to expose George Floyd as a drug addict was a lost cause, and a myriad of other issues.

There is little chance that we can say or do anything to convince a normie they are being lied to. They just have to experience it for themselves.

So sure, discuss it amongst ourselves, but don’t approach normies with it. Don’t expect to be able to show them how Swift’s endorsement of Biden is bought and paid for, hope only that they can see the hypocrisy for themselves once they are ready.

MahaYoshi 1 point ago +1 / -0

Say what you will about the NFL and to what extent it is scripted beyond the already proven referee fixes.

But it’s so overwhelmingly logical to anyone with a brain that both Kelce and Swift are owned by the DNC, and it is both a logical conclusion and a likelihood that their entire relationship is scripted.

Any critical analysis he may have provided me against NFL scripting is moot and void after he roundly denounced Kelce and Swift theories and then proceeded to provide zero thought or analysis as to why it couldn’t be.

MahaYoshi 2 points ago +2 / -0

Can’t go back though. Not that I want to, but every once in a while, I think “wouldn’t it be nice to turn that part of my brain off and just listen to some Tayler Swift and just join the crowd for a little bit?”

But I can’t. I don’t have it in me to just pretend the evil isn’t happening.

MahaYoshi 3 points ago +3 / -0

Translation: he’s bought and paid for by the DNC, but his fan base is shifting in large numbers to Trump because the Dems sold them lies, and now Snoop has to float the idea to see what kind of backlash or excitement he gets from each side because he’s a weak, scared, principle-less little pussy.

Secondary theory: Snoop is aware he’s facing an uphill battle supporting dems, and he’s aware of how much money and power Taylor Swift is being promised for being Democrat ambassador, so Snoop is trying to play a game of chicken with the DNC to get more of that for himself.

Either way, his DNC contacts won’t take kindly to this, so Snoop’s follow up will tell us all a LOT about him.

MahaYoshi 5 points ago +5 / -0

I can’t figure out why Soros isn’t a Trumper.

I mean, if Trump = Hitler, and Soros is a proud Nazi who, in his own words does not regret what he did, then he should be thrilled to have another fuehrer to work for.

MahaYoshi 2 points ago +2 / -0

I still fight the fight on Reddit too, and a lot of it really is just to break the echo chamber.

Also, we all know there’s way more of us than the left wants to acknowledge, but we’re not well represented on places like Reddit, and I want to make sure I’m a small voice of encouragement for anyone else lurking but too afraid to speak.

MahaYoshi 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow, technology really is advancing - I had no idea they could make NPCs sound this self-important!

MahaYoshi 6 points ago +6 / -0

I’m always struck by the parallels between Christianity and a free, libertarian society.

Christ gives us freedom to follow his footsteps and be better people, not through forced compliance.

A person who is poor can be given free welfare and never better himself, or he can be given opportunity to choose a job, work hard, and become stronger to support himself.

A person who struggles with addiction can have that addiction outlawed, but it won’t heal the person or fully prevent the person from being consumed by the addiction if he doesn’t want to change. But he can confront the addiction and overcome it with his own strength once he does.

We can worry about our own personal freedoms and only concern ourselves with persecution when it comes for us. Or we can sacrifice ourselves and our own comfort so that we provide a better world for those after us.

Christ really is the model for society.

MahaYoshi 3 points ago +3 / -0

I wish they’d actually leave one of these times. Nobody wants them here in the first place.

In fact I would love it if we could enact some short term law after Trump takes office that forcibly deports anyone that claimed they’d leave.

We focus a lot on illegal immigration, which is fair, but we also have way too many legal citizens that need to gtfo as well.

MahaYoshi 5 points ago +5 / -0

Taylor Swift’s whole rise back to popularity after falling off around 2017 is so clearly engineered by and for the Democrat party.

Her entire role is so clearly a “bread and circus” distraction while she puts her name behind Biden.

She deserves to be held accountable for everything happening in this country as much as Biden’s family and everyone else.

So as much as I want her out of the country, I hope she stays within persecution’s reach.

MahaYoshi 2 points ago +2 / -0

Only the ones that have already turned away because of “mean tweets”, and those are probably too far under the media’s spell to worry about.

MAGA isn’t about one individual viewpoint of the ideal, perfect Christian person. The people for whom that is the goal, will always be disappointed.

Grenell is more openly Christian, and talks about Christ, more than Trump and most other figures on either side. That’s likely to be the strongest Christian representation we’ve had in a lifetime.

MahaYoshi 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also a homo, and I hate everything the rainbow flag brigade has done to “other” us and attach us to a political agenda that leads to:

  • an impoverished economy
  • crippling laws and regulations on the individual, the family, and the small business, which large corporations and big government are exempt from
  • an education system that indoctrinates kids away from family, hard work, and personal responsibility, and towards communism, dependence, and mindless authority worship
  • forced medical procedures
  • forced property forfeiture
  • forced speech, and persecuted free speech

And that’s without even mentioning the very real Satanic child trafficking, grooming, abuse, and harvesting that I think everyone here is aware of thanks to this whole movement.

And there’s way more of us than you realize or know. We’re fighting for your right to tell us that we’re wrong, just as much as we’re fighting against the groomers and tyrants.

MahaYoshi 0 points ago +1 / -1

I would laugh so hard if this happened, ngl.

MahaYoshi 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s not uncommon for people with same gender attraction to have felt differences going back to as young as they can remember.

The same way straight people have at least some indication of flirting or having crushes on opposite gender going back to as young as they can remember.

So in terms of internal feelings and attraction, yes, it does just happen to be.

How those feelings are dealt with is an entirely separate matter, which does involve some degree of personal choice and responsibility, but the actual, deep seated feelings of attraction do not necessarily require this.

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