Just so you understand the facts you cannot get enough from the Sun even if you burn and tan your skin everyday.
part of it is due to the fact from the Sun is absorbed through the eyeballs. We always wear sunglasses and the rest wear sunscreen.
Medicare does not even test for vitamin D when you reach that age they just automatically recommend a supplement. My husband's doctor said while people in Michigan are low due to the fact they have very little summer the people in Florida are just as low! So they don't even test it they just recommend a supplement. you cannot get what you need from the Sun.
Just so you understand the facts you cannot get enough from the Sun even if you burn and tan your skin everyday.
part of it is due to the fact from the Sun is absorbed through the eyeballs. We always wear sunglasses and the rest wear sunscreen.
Medicare does not even test for vitamin D when you reach that age they just automatically recommend a supplement. My husband's doctor said while people in Michigan are low due to the fact they have very little summer the people in Florida are just as low! So they don't even test it they just recommend a supplement. you cannot get what you need from the Sun.