GAW: "mainstream media lies, the govt lies, it's all propaganda, scientists are biased to their funding, we can't trust anything these people say. We have to do the work and see for ourselves what's real."
Mainstream Everything: "It's official, the earth is round, believe us, we're the experts.."
FE: "We don't trust the media, or "science" we want to check it out for ourselves"
Here's one that looks hella weird like an invisible wire. At first i thought it was so blatant, then i realized it actually looks like he's just putting his pinky finger into his pocket to grab him..........then i realized his pants have no pockets.
I have a theory on this kinda stuff. I used to dig down the rabbit hole of stuff like moon landing hoax conspiracy theories. Then after looking at the same evidence years later, i realized how much confirmation bias I had and how i was interpreting everything to suit my narrative and realized 99% of the evidence that convinced me was all crap and could legitimately be debunked.
So my theory is that they deliberately hide anomalies into real events such as the moon landing etc. to drive conspiracy theorists crazy (An anomaly that purposely makes an event look like a fake/conspiracy even tho it isn't) and discredit them, so it's easier to discredit and dismiss real conspiracies like JFK, 9/11 etc.
For example, some people believe there were no planes on 9/11 or they were holographic, which obviously i think is a very stupid theory.....however there are indeed some unusual anomalies in some of the footage, so i can see why people might believe that. But now the "no plane theory" helps discredit the entire 9/11 conspiracy theory, Normies will see how crazy it is and dismiss it all......
Facebook bans QAnon groups, but they allow flat-earthers........I wonder why.
or the air bubbles floating up in the space station videos.... or the astronauts grabbing each others body harness cables to stop their motion...
looks like YT has deleted the vids on there, so I had to do some digging on bitchute (sorry for the flat earth links, but the nasa footage is good)
GAW: "mainstream media lies, the govt lies, it's all propaganda, scientists are biased to their funding, we can't trust anything these people say. We have to do the work and see for ourselves what's real."
Mainstream Everything: "It's official, the earth is round, believe us, we're the experts.."
FE: "We don't trust the media, or "science" we want to check it out for ourselves"
GAW: "GTFO fcuking whackjob shill!"
Here's one that looks hella weird like an invisible wire. At first i thought it was so blatant, then i realized it actually looks like he's just putting his pinky finger into his pocket to grab him..........then i realized his pants have no pockets.
I have a theory on this kinda stuff. I used to dig down the rabbit hole of stuff like moon landing hoax conspiracy theories. Then after looking at the same evidence years later, i realized how much confirmation bias I had and how i was interpreting everything to suit my narrative and realized 99% of the evidence that convinced me was all crap and could legitimately be debunked.
So my theory is that they deliberately hide anomalies into real events such as the moon landing etc. to drive conspiracy theorists crazy (An anomaly that purposely makes an event look like a fake/conspiracy even tho it isn't) and discredit them, so it's easier to discredit and dismiss real conspiracies like JFK, 9/11 etc.
For example, some people believe there were no planes on 9/11 or they were holographic, which obviously i think is a very stupid theory.....however there are indeed some unusual anomalies in some of the footage, so i can see why people might believe that. But now the "no plane theory" helps discredit the entire 9/11 conspiracy theory, Normies will see how crazy it is and dismiss it all......
Facebook bans QAnon groups, but they allow flat-earthers........I wonder why.
best part, he changes hands to avoid mic tangleup.