Let's say your the DS, you want to kill 90% of the population with a deadly bioweapon but if you release something that incredibly virulent you risk killing all life on the whole planet.
So what do you do? You, split up the recipe. You create a less severe "pandemic" get all the humans to take the first part of the recipe(the shot).
You then later release a reactive agent that kills anyone who got the shot in one fell swoop or blame it on another strand of virus (reactive agent) that you created to do the job.
Game, set, match. The lemmings do all the work for you as you sit back and watch the shitshow; sipping your sangirita on the veranda.
Depending on how long they have had to develop Covid19. There could be multiple objectives and contingencies caked into the virus and or "vaccine".
Just a little food for thought before you decide to get the jab.
I think think that the DS depop agenda is not indescriminate. Its very much bloodline based. They want to cleanup the bloodline they consider comes from Christ, first and foremost, and then majority of anyone who does not come from their own dark bloodline, but keep some of them as slaves.
I think Covid-19 had genetic element to it which most people dont talk about. The current vaccine is far from being able to be a "killswitch". Its alpha testing for what would eventually be a depop weapon with specific triggers. But right now its all just testing. Whoever took the vaxx most probably will not just fall dead after 6 months or 1 year, but rather provide free and valuable results for the Cabal to fine tune the killing machine.
Many have and will continue to have adverse reactions and even die.They will probably suffer from unexpected side effects. Long term cancer and other issues perhaps. But none of this is the real goal. Real goal is to conduct a world wide experiment with no liability (or so they think).
I really don't know all that. Its not even relevant if Christ had a bloodline or not. What is relevant is there are people who believe he did and they believe they can identify and that poses risk to the humanity