You do understand I'm not a liberal right? I hate these lunatics. They've literally ruined my life. All three of the best relationships I've had with women were destroyed because the women I was involved with fell for all the liberal feminist BS. I won't go on because it would be another 30 paragraph screed but trust me I despise these lunatic leftists.
See this is the problem. You just assume because I say the word atheist that I fit in a little box you made in your head. Then you think I'm literally a satanist. If I don't believe in god I don't believe in satan.
Let me explain clearly what you are missing. Many of these cabal/deep state lunatics aren't real atheists. Nor are most of their followers. You see they do worship a god. Their god is the government. Their professors are their priests. You can't be an atheist when you worship a higher power of any kind. Karl Marx being your jesus and the government being your god doesn't make you an atheist. It makes you a lunatic. Understand?
I'm a REAL atheist. I REALLY don't believe in god or satan or jesus or any of this stupid non-sense. I dam sure don't worship Marx or big government or anything else, continuously or sub-continuously.
Your default premise is flawed. I'm allowed to have my own ideas. I don't have to get everything I am from somewhere else. That's the whole point. They tried to brainwash me in church into believing in god. Its didn't work. My beliefs aren't based on some liberal book, or the bible, etc. They come from little bits here and there but much of it does come from me. I use what works and discard what doesn't, but I chose my path. I don't allow others to chose it for me.
You are trying to tell me that I'm not allowed to chose a path of my own. According to you god must chose my path. Yet even your god says I have free will. Or do I?
Atheism isn't the fruit of any tree. Atheism is the default. One year old babies don't believe in god. They can't understand anything more than what is right in front of them, eat poop sleep. Its only when they get older and start learning to read and write, learning language that they are TAUGHT to believe in your false god.
You want to talk morality. Fine let's talk morality. You ask me why is child rape wrong?
Children are physically and mentally weaker than adults therefor they can't defend themselves from adults.
Raping a child more often than not has massive negative effects on that child mentally and sometimes physically. Its harmful.
Conclusion - Raping a child is preying on the weak while at the same time destroying that child's future. Thus it is wrong.
Let's switch it up. 1 is still true but let's change 2.
Brainwashing a child into believing in a false god(any god) can have massive negative effects on that child mentally and sometimes physically. Its harmful.
Conclusion - Religious indoctrination of young children is preying on the weak while at the same time destroying that child's future. Thus it is wrong.
IMHO the religious indoctrination of young children is a crime no different than molestation/rape. It mentally abuses children into believing something with no proof its true. They are then forced to break that indoctrination later in life or they must live their life according to it.
I could spend hours ranting about this, but I won't bother I think you get the picture. I can't demand that other people don't brainwash their children, but I assure you my children won't be exposed to the non-sense you are spewing until well after they are teenagers and can make up their own minds if its true or not.
The mere fact that most religions only survive because of such indoctrination should tell you the REAL TRUTH. Its all bull-crap. There is no god. The bible is just a book... written by men.
You do understand I'm not a liberal right? I hate these lunatics. They've literally ruined my life. All three of the best relationships I've had with women were destroyed because the women I was involved with fell for all the liberal feminist BS. I won't go on because it would be another 30 paragraph screed but trust me I despise these lunatic leftists.
See this is the problem. You just assume because I say the word atheist that I fit in a little box you made in your head. Then you think I'm literally a satanist. If I don't believe in god I don't believe in satan.
Let me explain clearly what you are missing. Many of these cabal/deep state lunatics aren't real atheists. Nor are most of their followers. You see they do worship a god. Their god is the government. Their professors are their priests. You can't be an atheist when you worship a higher power of any kind. Karl Marx being your jesus and the government being your god doesn't make you an atheist. It makes you a lunatic. Understand?
I'm a REAL atheist. I REALLY don't believe in god or satan or jesus or any of this stupid non-sense. I dam sure don't worship Marx or big government or anything else, continuously or sub-continuously.
Your. Ideas. Came. From. Somewhere.
They. Are. Liberal. In. Nature.
How hard is this?
Atheism is the fruit of the tree of....what?
Come on big boy. You can do it.
I hope you addressed the topic of objective and relative morality in the other post...or are you going to insist it's ME that doesn't understand?
Why is child rape wrong?
Your default premise is flawed. I'm allowed to have my own ideas. I don't have to get everything I am from somewhere else. That's the whole point. They tried to brainwash me in church into believing in god. Its didn't work. My beliefs aren't based on some liberal book, or the bible, etc. They come from little bits here and there but much of it does come from me. I use what works and discard what doesn't, but I chose my path. I don't allow others to chose it for me.
You are trying to tell me that I'm not allowed to chose a path of my own. According to you god must chose my path. Yet even your god says I have free will. Or do I?
Atheism isn't the fruit of any tree. Atheism is the default. One year old babies don't believe in god. They can't understand anything more than what is right in front of them, eat poop sleep. Its only when they get older and start learning to read and write, learning language that they are TAUGHT to believe in your false god.
You want to talk morality. Fine let's talk morality. You ask me why is child rape wrong?
Children are physically and mentally weaker than adults therefor they can't defend themselves from adults.
Raping a child more often than not has massive negative effects on that child mentally and sometimes physically. Its harmful.
Conclusion - Raping a child is preying on the weak while at the same time destroying that child's future. Thus it is wrong.
Let's switch it up. 1 is still true but let's change 2.
Conclusion - Religious indoctrination of young children is preying on the weak while at the same time destroying that child's future. Thus it is wrong.
IMHO the religious indoctrination of young children is a crime no different than molestation/rape. It mentally abuses children into believing something with no proof its true. They are then forced to break that indoctrination later in life or they must live their life according to it.
I could spend hours ranting about this, but I won't bother I think you get the picture. I can't demand that other people don't brainwash their children, but I assure you my children won't be exposed to the non-sense you are spewing until well after they are teenagers and can make up their own minds if its true or not.
The mere fact that most religions only survive because of such indoctrination should tell you the REAL TRUTH. Its all bull-crap. There is no god. The bible is just a book... written by men.