Amen, he could have been more like DeSantis when it came to how he handled Covid and he is basically a rhino republican-so no can't say as I like him at all but as you said proud of our legislature!
The 10th Amendment is the stopgap for the Constitution... 2/3rds of the states pass these constraints of the federal powers means the State Constitutional Convention is in session... Make it so!!
Love my state!
I still think Asa is a piece of doodoo but I'm starting to feel pretty proud of our state legislature!
Amen, he could have been more like DeSantis when it came to how he handled Covid and he is basically a rhino republican-so no can't say as I like him at all but as you said proud of our legislature!
Yeah Asa said some dumb things after he saw Biden was getting in. Looks like the state legislature is running things now.
Don't worry soon we will get for Sarah Huckabee-sanders
Texas needs to allow concealed carry without a license.
Still need it to survive the house committee...where many good Bill's go to die.
Why does it seem like individual states are now doing the very thing the Constitution was supposed to do for everyone?
The 10th Amendment is the stopgap for the Constitution... 2/3rds of the states pass these constraints of the federal powers means the State Constitutional Convention is in session... Make it so!!
Has the same effect
Arkansas has been rolling out the freedom lately, love it.
Wow, that is enormous.
My state is controlled by a gay fat Twatt and his unelected POS partner. CO needs a deep cleansing STAT.
I like how it says “past, present and future”. Repeal them all!
Hell yeah?