But I didnt like how it depicted the NWO to have been caused by religious fanatics. To me it sounds like a typical mockingbird propaganda that keeps whispering that christianity and white christians are the root of all evil.
Amen to this, as well as the fact it's basically a very unsubtle, on-the-nose whack at "evil white men in positions of power having ownership over women's bodies."
Every man in the show is either an evil psychopath or a gutless simp, and of course the only happy couples were the interracial ones.
A teaspoon of propaganda is tolerable for every cup of entertainment but this show is basically a pinch of entertainment for every ounce of propaganda.
This reflects their black and white world view. A man is good if they listen to everything they say. If they dont, then they are evil.
show is basically a pinch of entertainment for every ounce of propaganda.
In a way this is blessing in disguise. In 80s and 90s when the propaganda was barely noticeable (rewatching Office or Seinfeld or Friends gives a whole new perspective now) this kind of show is so openly out there, it red pills a lot of people.
But I didnt like how it depicted the NWO to have been caused by religious fanatics. To me it sounds like a typical mockingbird propaganda that keeps whispering that christianity and white christians are the root of all evil.
Amen to this, as well as the fact it's basically a very unsubtle, on-the-nose whack at "evil white men in positions of power having ownership over women's bodies."
Every man in the show is either an evil psychopath or a gutless simp, and of course the only happy couples were the interracial ones.
A teaspoon of propaganda is tolerable for every cup of entertainment but this show is basically a pinch of entertainment for every ounce of propaganda.
This reflects their black and white world view. A man is good if they listen to everything they say. If they dont, then they are evil.
In a way this is blessing in disguise. In 80s and 90s when the propaganda was barely noticeable (rewatching Office or Seinfeld or Friends gives a whole new perspective now) this kind of show is so openly out there, it red pills a lot of people.