I'm surrounded by people who see and agree that we are losing our country. The stolen election, the vaccine passports, the crashing dollar.... They know their children and grandchildren will have horrible lives....but they all seem to say what's the point worrying about it when there's nothing we can do about it?
Is there anyone else out there like me in mourning over all that we've already lost?
What a bunch of shameful weak americans we have become. The men who died for our freedom and people act like it was no big deal.
My heart is crushed. I'm so ashamed of some of my friends and family. My grandfather was a pearl harbor survivor, I lost uncle's in the Vietnam and Korean wars. And my family still has this disgraceful "well what can you do" attitude. I have lost all respect for them.
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There are always people who lead, people who follow faithfully and people who just go along to get along.
Don't worry about the stragglers. When the path is set, they will follow even if they don't know why.
I explained to my family with the 3% explanation. Essentially, when the American Revolution took place, ~3% of the country fought the British while the rest stood back and took other roles (ranging from keeping the country's commerce going to running their own households all the way to prepping supplies for the Minutemen).
Not everyone is a front line fighter. Look through the Bible. How many people are prophets? How many people are mentioned by name? How many people were part of God's Plan? How many people were following Abraham through the desert?
Do you think every man, woman, child, cook, dog, cow, blacksmith, potter, basketweaver, tanner, gardener, and pregnant mother marched around the walls of Jericho?
Some of us are called to be Doers. If you're not a Doer, your job is to pay attention and Witness. Keep your head out of the sand, so that no matter the outcome you'll be able to tell the future Americans why we did what happened here, lest we ever have to repeat this awful chapter.
And if you ARE a Doer, collect other Doers, rally them together, and DO.
Start small. What can you do RIGHT NOW?
Start there .
We are.
We are a small group of women, and we are fighting. We WILL get results.