From Gen. McI: Don't take the vaccine!!
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My own family won't be taking the vaccine.
My brothers and sisters and their families did. I have aunts and uncles, cousins, etc... that are taking the mRNA "vaccine". Some won't take it though.
It's all personal choice. All we can do is hope for the best and help people who made bad decisions if they need help. I will help my own family if the Covid "vaccine" turns out to be a disaster.
I believe it’s to detach the soul from the body. It just makes them even more super compliant and submissive. Eventually med beds and de-poisoning food and water should decalcify the pineal gland. Remember not everyone has full control of their mind. Sometimes it’s your spouse or family member. It’s a combo of instilled beliefs and chemicals. As long as they don’t die they’ll be ok in the long run.
The depopulation down to 500 million isn’t supposed to be till 2030. Be there vaccine is an important step as we become robots in the sense of not being able to think for ourselves and accepting authority as truth and no challenges will be made to that so called truth.
Interesting that the General took the first shot (WTF) and also denies or doesn't recognize the Q movement. The Q Group was in mainstream news way before Trump got into office that nobody talks about.