If you see one of these seals on the door of a company, find another place to shop, do not give them your money. We have to fight back against these globalists. In a way they are promoting the covid scam and also promoting the globalist green new deal and Great Reset.
In this video, you see J Lo, Lady Gaga and Robert De Niro promoting this Well Health Safety Seal. Three of Hollywood's most famous degenerate scumbags. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDg-kKJXQKI&t=38s
From their website: The International WELL Building Institute™ (IWBI™) is leading the global movement to transform our buildings and communities. https://www.wellcertified.com/health-safety/look-for-the-seal
Here Mark Dice explains the scam. https://rumble.com/vfbit7-celebrities-extorting-businesses-to-certify-theyre-safe-to-re-open-during-p.html
Screw these businesses
The last season of Poldark stopped using the books strictly as written and ruined the series for me. What's funny is that there were 8 books and all were well written so there was no shortage of the authors material, unlike GOT who can't even finish his second to last book in the series in 5 years.
I hate when producers think they write better than the author.
That's also how they ruined season 6 of Sherlock Holmes with Jeremy Brett. Which is really too bad because he was an excellent actor and didn't deserve to have to act horrible writing just before he died from heart failure.
Poldark was well done until the last season and they canceled it. (
If you haven't read the books you might still like it. But if you have a shield box the old Jeremy Brett version of Sherlock Holmes is the best if you are looking for another series to binge on. Came out in the 80s.
I've seen all the Sherlock Holmes versions as well and I can still honestly say no one plays Holmes as perfectly as Jeremy Brett. I've never rewatched the other series. Whereas this series I watch every year or so and then I get sad he is dead and couldn't do more episodes. They had originally planned to do all the books before he got terminally ill.
Just finished watching a 1 series version of Sherlock done by a Russian firm. All in Russian with English subtitles. Watson played a much bigger role in the telling. On Prime and wasn’t bad at all.
Looking back I could have ditched criminal minds after season 2.
But I could have ditched alot of TV. I eventually did in 2014. I have no clue what's going on in popular culture anymore and it's awesome.
Yep. I hope Hollywood is dying! Even before I cut off tv completely I didn't watch it much...was mostly a reader. Which is probably why I was insulated from alot of the propoganda. The rest of my family, except my father -who I take after, are leftists and tv watchers.
I have my first child on the way and wondering how I can both insulate them from the shit and simultaneously make them aware of the world that surrounds them so they aren't ignorant about what they will walk into as an adult. We have been waiting 20 years for a child. I can't wait till the end of June but I am going to be such an old parent now. Many miscarriages in our past. Now I'm worried about the world they are being born into. If the plan goes well they may be born into a freer better world or if it doesn't...i cant even think about the alternative. I have to believe God didn't make us wait without a reason.