More than a year ago a good friend of mine told me to stop trying to wake people up. That I should focused more on my own.
He explained that I won't be able to save anyone but my self.
Now when I look back on what he said, he was totally right and I regret all the energy I've wasted on trying to wake up my family and my friends.
I could have been in such better situation than I find myself in now.
But now I'm stuck in a places where brainless normies are thinking we're still a situation where people can die because not enough people are wearing masks, are social distancing or are staying in their bubble. Despite no abnormal death rate for the year 2020
These sheeples keep blaming others for the loser rules the government and experts are implementing for everyone . They can't or are not able see the scam they're living. They are even calling for more police brutality against those who are protesting the draconian lockdowns.
Every week they find someone else to blame te situation on. They keep using the same excuse as a year ago.
"Do you want to kill grandma"
"If you saw how full the IC is, you would talk differently"
"we don't know how dangerous the virus is"
"Follow the rules first and you will be free again"
I firmly believe that Nazism is well alive this days. Our individual rights are being taken away, even the right to defend yourself against tyranny is being seen as terrorism. It is not one man who's dictating our lives. But an army of robotic people who are using unscientific theories to keep us locked up for years to come. When you question their motives or their reasoning, they'll claim that you're endangering their health or their grandma's.
So I do not believe it was Hitler only, but a bunch of deranged human beings that caused for all the tyranny for others back then.
I should have taken all the money I had back then and went for a better place. After I was fired from my job I received social security money, but they took my money away, basically I have no money, my debt is raising, can't pay my rent anymore.
After you've worked for a period of time you earn social security money when needed. But one person, again person decided that I don't deserve money anymore because I couldn't find a job fast enough in the middle of the "most dangerous pandemic ever".
I think the reason she took my money away is because I told that person that I don't want to work with a mask on my face.
Luckily I'm able to still get food on the table, but for how long is the question.
But let me tell you, now I do fully understand what it is to live in a socialist/communist country. It's all great in the beginning when they take care of you for a while... But when you need them the most, they cut you off like you're worth nothing.
Those who already have plenty money keep receiving social security money so they wouldn't be upset. Of course those people don't want the lockdown to stop, since they are getting free money from it. They are also the ones demonizing others for protesting the plandemic.
It's simple in a socialist/communist countrie. Those who still earn of recieve money, will happily attack or destroy those who have no money or are complaining about the situation.
I was one of them who complained from the beginning about the lockdown and the mandatory masks.
Prescott Bush was a nazi. We've had the Bush nazi dynasty in the top 2 positions of the executive branch of our nation for 20 years since 1980. Jeb Bush was close to extending that reign. Billy Bush (nazi dynasty media operative) attempted to sabotage Trump in 2016 with the "pussygrab" tape. Operation Paperclip was a real thing. Our govt. is infested with nazi scum working hand in hand with communists. They all need to feel the fires of hell.
Who was Karl Marx? What was the Communist Manifesto?
The founders of the ideology that the Obama communists, and the Clintonista Alinsky-ites, and Bernie of the communist wing of the democrat party all follow.
That group has held the top positions of the executive branch for 16 years since 1992.
That means that our nation has been led by actual nazis, and marxists for 36 of the last 40 years. Trump is the only one who was not part of any of that. Let that sink in.
Now understand that the Bush nazi dynasty attempted to torpedo Trump with the (Billy BUSH) pussy grab tape in 2016 for the express purpose of installing marxist Hillary Clinton, and radical communist Tim Kaine as president, and make it a perfect 40 out of the last 40 years for the communist/nazi alliance leading the nation.
We already knew what the radical democrats really were. It's time to see the republican party nazi establishment for what they really are too- nazi traitors conspiring with marxists, and pushing a NWO globalist agenda. Enemies of the state.