I have been working on a pretty tremendous tea, which I administered to my brother when he was deathly ill from the coofs. I was shocked by how well it worked! The dude was just nasty sick and he completely rebounded in 2 days.
Do your own research, consult medical professionals, etc, etc. Just because it is working for me doesn't mean anyone else should do it. That being said, I love it.
I start with Cinchona Bark Powder and make homemade tonic syrup. I use this recipe (https://jeffreymorgenthaler.com/how-to-make-your-own-tonic-water/).
Then, I shred up turmeric and ginger. Add in finely milled black pepper. I simmer the two roots, together with cinnamon and mint. I let it simmer for about 3 hours on a low heat. Man, this creates one butt-kicking tea.
Next, I juice a bunch of citric fruit - lemons, limes, oranges, etc. I add the tonic syrup and strain the tea from the roots. this goes in the fridge as my daily juice.
Next, I add more water to the roots and slowly steep it again. This time, I strain the liquid off to keep as tea. I drink that with white honey.
For my brother, I added melatonin, because he was too stubborn to get rest and let his body recover.
I got this from a lady from Vietnam. I have been doing it for 4 years and I do not get sick. Of course, I take D3, zinc and magnesium supplements.
I don't actually know what I'm doing here, so i hope to find someone experienced in the space to help me get this down pack.
Thank you for this excellent idea. God bless!